Chapter 10: I Need Love From His Mom... But Mostly Him

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Faith's P.O.V.

I awoke the morning after the ceremony and lied in bed while staring up at the ceiling.

Wondering and wondering why his mother hates me when I barely even spoke 10 sentences with her.

I shifted my weight to the other side and Xander was at peace, dead asleep.

I stared at his mix of beautiful, sharp, and handsome complexion.

But one thing that stuck in my mind was when his mother said he loves me.

"Do you love me?" I whispered.

Xander groaned and pulled me closer to him.

I sighed and cuddle with him. It's just so frustrating because my sister and Jasper tell each other they love each other everyday but I seem to be getting nowhere with Xander.

And on top of that I seem to be getting nowhere with his mother too.

Which makes me think back to my plans for today.

What can I do to get his mother to like me?

Shall I suggest we bake together? No, she might not like that... Shopping? No, she hates me too much she probably doesn't even want to be seen in public with me.

"Stop thinking too hard about it. She'll probably never ever come to like you. Just smile and kill her with kindness."

"But I have a problem with kindness if the person isn't returning the favor."

"Babe, please?" He pecked me on the lip and got up.

"And if she's about to make you explode of anger just walked out of the room." Xander suggested.

I rolled my eyes and nodded anyways.

"I'm going to go shower." Xander said and took his shirt off which caused me to react by putting the covers over myself.

I heard a chuckle come from him and the bathroom door close.

Dang it! You were supposed to act natural! Stupid stupid stupid!

I got up and walked into the bathroom where Xander was showering and began to brush my teeth.

Saturday. I have my entire agenda planned out.

Must get Xander's mother to accept me.

His father loves me so I can check one parent off of the list.

After brushing my teeth I looked at myself in the mirror and my hair was just a complete mess.

How was Xander smiling at me like that when I looked like this?

Someone weird and totally off subject I found out was that Xander brushes his teeth in the shower.

"Can you pass me the towel?" He asked.

I nodded and handed him the towel while squeezing my eyes shut.

But before I knew it I was being pulled into the shower.

I screamed and Xander chuckled.

He had his towel wrapped dangerously low around his waist and I looked away shyly.

"Look at my eyes." He urged and turned my face to face his.

"Don't let my mother bring you down. You mean the world to me. I'm not going to loose you because my mother is opinionated and hates any female specie that's close to me when it's not her."

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