Chapter 4: Cookie Monster

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Rewritten: 05/02/17

z o e ♡


It's been a good and a bad two months of school. Lots of homework and no sleep. But, hey we get a few days off of school because of Thanksgiving break, so I guess that's something to look forward...right?

I was currently sitting in the middle of the classroom, tapping my pencil quietly as I waited for the instructions.

Sean groaned quietly as he grabbed my pencil and shot me a glare. I sheepishly smiled in return.

"Listen up class!" Ms. Wells shouted as everyone stopped talking. "As you may or may not know, this quarter is ending very soon, and the new one is starting right after your Thanksgiving break which is in two weeks." She continues, "I'm assigning you all a partner project which should take just about two weeks and it's a test grade."

Oh, great. I hate partner work.

"For the first week, I will be assigning you a bunch of paperwork and we will be watching lots of videos and I'll teach you all the basics and stuff. The next week, you will actually...somewhat experience it." She explains. "It's the baby project!" Ms. Wells shouted.

The whole class let out a groan.

"The baby will be recording everything so I hope everyone takes this seriously." She explained.

"Oh great," Sean mutters next to me. "My brother had that and that damn thing wouldn't stop crying."

I grimace. "Well... isn't that fun."

"Oh yeah, loads," Sean said with sarcasm dripping in his voice.

Ms. Well clears her throat, "You will be getting assigned the baby next week.The baby will be activated right after school ends. During school hours, it's going to be turned off, but off school grounds, it's activated." She explained. "I will be handing out papers with all the instructions. I'll talk more about it next week."

"You will be working with the person you're sitting next too. So, get along and talk it out. For this week, you will be getting a worksheet every day. For today, you will get a packet and it's not due till tomorrow. You and your partner are to fill this out and turn it in for a grade tomorrow." She starts passing out papers.

"What the hell is all of this?" Sean asks, sounding shocked as he looked at the packet in front of him.

I stare at the work, reading off some of the questions. Jeez, this is a lot.

I groan. "Let's get this started. This is going to take forever."


"I'll pick you up after school so we can finish the rest of the packet," Sean tells me as I nod my head tiredly.

"Sounds good."

The teacher ended up assigning us a three page, front and back, packet for the two of us to fill out. Why is it so long? I have no freaking clue and I really don't want to do this. Plus, each page had like almost 40 questions. What is the point of this?! Half of the questions were so dumb.

Sean nods his head before walking off the other way.

I close my locker, walking to my last class of the day, AP History with Ms. Jensen. Setting my books down, I take my seat and looked at the agenda for today.

"Hello, Zoe." Joe greeted me. I turned around.

I give him a half smile, "Hey Joe, what's up?"

"I'm ready to go home and sleep for the next 48 hours." Is his response.

"That sounds like a great plan," Mason said as he sat down in front of Joe.

"Hi, Mason." I greeted him. He smiles.

"Settle down class! Let's get started on a new lesson..." Ms. Jensen exclaims, jumping to a new subject. "Chapter 4, page 65."

We won't even need to know half of this when we're older.


I close my locker shut, taking out my phone. I quickly send my mom a text letting her know I was coming home late because of a project. I put my phone away, walking outside. I look around for Sean, finding him by his bike.

I walk over there, tapping him on the shoulder. He flinches in surprise before realizing it's me.

"Oh, it's you." He replies.

I raise an eyebrow, "No, it's the Cookie Monster." I sarcastically respond back.

"Yeah, because you're blue and fluffy." He replied rolling his eyes.

"Oh shut up, let's get this over. I have other stuff to do too." I tell him as he nods, pointing to his bike. He hands me his helmet, as I put it on.

"Get in Cookie Monster."

"Oh shut up!"

Within 10 minutes, we arrived at a pizza parlor. I sent Sean a confused look.

"I thought we were gonna finish the packet..."

Sean stared back, "I want food in my stomach."

"Fair point..." I muttered, tightening my hold on my backpack string. "I could eat pizza right now."

"What do you want?" Sean asked me, holding the door wide open for me to enter.

I glanced around the place taking in my surroundings. I then looked at the menu and decided what I wanted.

"I'll get the veggie supreme and a glass of Dr. Pepper." I answered.

Sean nodded his head, "Got it. Do you wanna look for a place to sit? This place usually gets really busy around this time."

I nodded my head and walked near the windows. I love window seats. I hate sitting in the middle of nowhere. I always preferred the side lines and preferred to not be surrounded by lots of people.

Placing my bag next to me, I grab the folder with the packet and put it off to the side. Grabbing my phone, I pull up Instagram and scroll through the posts while waiting for Sean to return back with the food.

"Here's your attempt at a healthy pizza." Sean said, sliding a plate in my way. I grin.

"Trying to be healthy is hard work. This is the best I can do." I responded as I put my phone down, rolling my sleeves up. I grabbed my cheesy slice of pizza and take a bite, nodding in appreciation.

"This is so good." I mumbled.

Sean snickered, "You got a little something." He said, pointing to my face.

I blushed, raising my hand to get rid of the sauce. "Here?" I asked. He shook his head. "Arg, where is it?"

He grinned, grabbing a paper towel and extending his arm towards me. "There. You're sauce free."

"Uh.. I, thanks." I mumbled, red faced.

Minutes passed by in silence as the two of finished our meal and made little comments here and there.

"Should we get started?" I asked Sean, gesturing to the packet that I had taken out of my folder.

He sighed, "Sadly, I guess."

I chuckled and read of the third question. "What is the name of your child?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"How about we decide that when we get the child..." Sean answered instead.

"Good idea. Next question, true or false..." And so we asked and answered the questions from the packet for the next thirty minutes.


Author's Note: hello. (:

all of my chapters have so far been 1k+ words. that's really cool to me, haha. i'm surprised i can write that much. i wish i could write like this when i have a school assignment.

comment, vote, share!

xoxo - Mayyy

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