Chapter 16: Scavenger Hunt

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Rewritten: 05/02/17

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Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. The treats, presents which is a bonus, the food, decorations, everything about it excited me. Around a couple years ago, my grandma had passed away around Thanksgiving time and suddenly, I didn't find a reason to properly enjoy holidays as much as I had used to. It just feels weird that she's not here to celebrate it with us.

On the topic of Christmas, it is right around the corner, literally. It's in four days and I still have yet to buy presents for almost everyone. I already brought Jacob's, dad's, and John's present. I also bought something for Julie and Yasmin. I still needed to buy Naomi and my mom something. They were the hardest to shop for. I also planned on getting the guys, Mason, Derek, Sean, Carson, and Joe something but I have no clue what to get.

I decided today I would go shopping with Naomi seeing as she still hasn't finished her shopping so this is great. Obviously, I can't get her gift today so sadly I have to make another trip.


We look at each other before bursting out laughing. "You look ridiculous!" I exclaimed, laughing.

So instead of being productive and shopping for presents, we thought Party City's more fun and we decided to try on some ridiculously big, very ugly, hats and a fluffy feather scarf around our necks.

Naomi snorts, laughing, "Ew, I just snorted!" She snickers, "We look horrible!" She laughs. I grin, taking off my hat.

"We have no life," I said.

Naomi nods her head, "I know, we are very sad people." She hummed, "We could've spent that last half hour shopping for Christmas presents but... hmm, here we are."

I snickered, "I think we should actually go shop now."

She sighed, "Unfortunately. Back to the real world, eh?"

Chuckling, I put the ridiculous looking hats in the racks and follow Naomi out the store. For a good 10 minutes, we aimlessly walk around the mall, looking at the little decorations and stands.

"Let's go in here, Topshop should have something for at least someone," I said. "I haven't shopped for my mom yet."

"Same, mom's are so hard to shop for." Naomi groaned, "I looked online, I came to the store a few days ago and couldn't find anything."

"I think I'm going to get a purse and like maybe sunglasses or something." I murmured, my eyes fixated on the rack of purses.

"You can never have too many purses." said Naomi.

After spending a good hour searching for gifts, we treated ourselves to ice cream and then headed our way home.

"Wanna come over?" I asked her, tapping away on my phone letting my mom know I was coming home.

Naomi shrugged, "Sure, I've got nothing else to do."

I chuckled and nodded my head.

The familiar sound of my phone rang as I swiped answer.

"Do you like scavenger hunts?" Sean immediately asked, not bothering with a proper greeting.

"Hey, Sean. I'm doing fantastic, thanks for asking, how're you?"

Sean groaned, "I'm great, now answer my question."

"Rude, rude." I tsked. "Why?" I asked avoiding the question.

"It's rude to not answer someone's question," Sean stated.

I pulled a face, "Yeah, I like them, why?" I answered.

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