Chapter 16

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Ally's POV

"What was Lauren talking to you about?" Normani asked me while we were getting our makeup done. We were the only ones in the room besides the makeup artists and they we so focused on what they were doing that they rarely even listened to us.

I froze, trying to decide whether or not I should worry her. Sure, she had the right to know, but all five of us were already incredibly nervous and I didn't want to make it worse for her. " was..." Suddenly the door was thrown open and Mani let out a frustrated groan.

"Is Normally ready to take over Hershey park?!" Dinah yelled as she strutted into the room.

"Dinah!" Mani cried.

"What?! Camren's too busy fighting over the bathroom to hear anything!!" She promised as she sat down on the bed. "Speaking of them, Lauren's starting to get suspicious."

"You don't say..." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that, Ally?" Mani asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What was what?"

"Ally? Really?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "What's going-"

"Alright girls, you're both done! Go get dressed!" The makeup artist says.

I shot up from my chair and ran to the closet to get my outfit.

"Ally, we're talking about this later!" Mani shouts as I close the door to the bathroom.

"Don't hold your breath." I whisper as the door slams shut.

After the Performance


Normani's POV

"That was awesome!" I scream as I pick Ally up and spin her in a circle.

"I know! That was so much fun!" She yells back.

"Yeah!" Camila says as she threw her fist in the air. "Can we get some chocolate now!?"

"Chancho, it's time for bed!" Dinah tells her, grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the bus.

"Actually," Ally starts with a huge smile on her face. "Mama Drea's talking us to a chocolate factory!!!"

The only person who didn't immediately start screaming and jumping up and down was Lauren.

"LoLo aren't you excited?!" Mila shouts, still hopping from one foot to the other.

"Definitely! Just...tired." Lauren answers, running her fingers through her hair. "But, I'll be better once we get there!" She gave Ally and I a long look and I squeezed Ally's hand tighter.

At the Factory


Ally's POV

"'s nice to see you again." I knew that voice. It used to be a friendly voice that I would answer with a smile. But now, I hated the voice of...

"Arin Ray..."

"I see you remember me?"

I nod slowly, taking a step back when I noticed the sinister look in his eyes.

"Would you like to know more about me, Allycat?" He emphasized my nickname as sarcastically as possible and harshly took hold of my wrist. 

I shook my head, but I knew that he wouldn't listen to me. "Well too bad; you don't have a choice!" It was the last thing I remember hearing before I was thrown into a closet.

He smashed me up against the wall and crashed our lips together. "I heard that you were dating-"

"Help!!! Normani!!!" I cried out as soon as he pulled away. His hand connected with my cheek and I hissed in pain.

"You're only making this harder on yourself." He tells me, reaching for my belt.

"Normani!!! Someone help- ahhh!!!" I screamed when I felt his teeth sink into my neck.

Suddenly, the door flew open and Arin was thrown to the ground. A security guard hovered over him and punched him until he was unconscious.

"Allycat!" I heard Mani shout before I blacked out.

A/N: DUN DUN DUUUUUN lol I hoped you liked this chapter and if you didn't I'm sorry :-( And yeah I'll update tomorrow.....comment and vote and read and byeeee :-) :-P ;-) O:-)  

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