Chapter 10

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Ally's POV

When I came back from changing in the bathroom, everyone else was chatting happily in the living room. "Oh, Ally, there you are!" I turned to face Mani who happened apparently been looking for me. "What do you think of my new suit?!" I cocked my head in amusement as she slapped a stupid grin on her face and spun around in a circle a few times.

The bikini top was navy with white polka dots and the bottom was white with navy polka dots. I found myself starting to admire her curves and shook my head to make any related images disappear. "Looks great, Mani!" I tell her truthfully.  

She smiles widely and skips over to where she put her stuff. She has her back to me as she slides the cover-up over her suit, and I start to wonder why she's so happy. Do I make her that happy? 

Mani turns around to walk back over to me and grabs my hand. "You ready for our date?" She whispers in my ear.

I nod and beam at her. "But how are we going to seperate ourselves from those buffoons?" I tease, pointing at Dinah, Camila, and Lauren who were beating each other with pool noddles. 

"We'll find a way." She smiled at me and we start to gather our stuff as the bus comes to a halt. 

"Pool time!" Dinah shouted as she sprinted off of the bus. We all rolled our eyes and ran after her, not bothering to make sure that the guardians were still behind us.

Normani's POV

The minute we got to the pool, Dinah, Lauren and Camila threw their stuff down on a chair and headed to the deep end. I was about to go with them when I saw Ally walking to the stairs of the shallow end.

"Allycat, don't you wanna jump in?"

She shook her head and bit her lip as I made my way over to her. "I'm too short..."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the water. "The pool's six feet deep; none of us can touch the floor." We turned to see Dinah pick Camila up from behind and throw her into the pool. "Either way, Ally, you know I'd never let you get hurt." 

She finally agreed as we joined Lauren, the only person still dry, at the deep end. She smiled at us when we arrived. I squeezed Ally's hand reassuringly as Lo began to count backwards from five. "Five...four...three...two...ONE!!!" 

We all took a running leap and hit the water at the same time. When I came back up, I turned to face Ally who was furiously treading water. I laughed and gave her a piggyback ride to the four-foot area.

We both stood out of breath for a few seconds until she finally cracked a smile. "That was fun," she said.

"Wasn't it?! See; you were scared for nothing!" She rolled her eyes and hit me with a wave of water. 

I squealed and sent one back, still slightly blind from the water that went in my eyes. Soon, the other three girls joined in on our splashing competition. Of course, Dinah won, and by the end of the game, we were all too tired to swim anymore. 

Ally's POV

"I'm hungry!" Mila pouted, plopping down on one of the lounge chairs. 

Lauren groaned. "You're always hungry, Camz!"

Dinah shook her head and grabbed her phone. "I'm gonna order room service, you guys want anything?"

Mani shrugged and shot a quick side glance to me. "We're okay with pretty much anything. Ally and I are going to the bus to change." Dinah shot us a knowing look and we turned away before she could say anything.

First date here we come!

A/N: Here tis; chapta ten haha I'm going to stop talking like that now but anyways yeah comment vote and read byeeee :-) :-P ;-) O:-) 

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