Chapter 4

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(Carly's POV)

I smiled softly as I brushed my little girl's hair. Today was her birthday, she had turned two. We were just waiting for Nadir and Reza to come home.

A moment later, Nadir walked in with Reza following behind me.

"Good afternoon!" I smiled as I saw them walking in. I stood up and held Brianna in my arms. She giggled and waved at them.

Nadir smiled at me and walked over to us, kissing his daughter's cheek and my lips. "Good afternoon." He said to the both of us.

I smiled and asked. "Did you get any-" Brianna finished for me. "Presents!" That was her favorite word for the past week.

He laughed a little then pretended to think. "Presents? Now, whoever would those be for?" He asked, teasing.

"Me!" She said, pointing to herself.

"Oh! Yes, now I remember. It's your birthday." He said.

She nodded and grinned. "Presents!" She repeated.

He smiled. "Yes, I did buy them today." He said as he held up a bag. "But, you're going to have to wait until after supper to open them."

"Papa!" She whined and frowned.

"Now, now, it isn't that far in the future." He said gently.

"Time will fly." I said and looked down at my son, "Reza, how about you play with her for a bit. You like doing that."

Reza nodded happily. "Come on, Banana, let's go play!"

Nadir smiled and set Brianna down and she chased after Reza.

I smiled as I watched them. "He does adore his little sister."

I nodded and smiled softly. "Yes, he does." I said as I walked into the kitchen to make supper. "What did you get her?"

"What she's been asking for during the past two weeks." He said with a smile as he followed me in and set the bag down on the table.

"A baby doll?" I asked with a smile.

He nodded. "Yep."

I smiled again. "She'll love it." I said as I began to make supper.

"I trust she will." He said. "Anything I can do to help?" He asked.

"Can you take Teddi and Bear outside?" I asked. They liked to get in the way in I cooked.

He nodded and called to two dogs to follow him. They were full grown now and were huge.

I watched him and smiled. While he was gone, I placed my hand on my stomach. "I wonder how he'll act when I tell him about you."

Nadir put the dogs outside and walked back into the kitchen.

I heard him coming and I dropped my hand. "I don't need any help." I said as I turned around to face him. "You can do whatever you wish to."

"Would you like me to set the table?" He offered.

I shook my head. "I'll do it."

"Okay. I have some paper work I need to do in my office. Call me when supper's ready." He said as he walked out of the kitchen.

I nodded and went back to cooking. I had no idea how I was going to tell him. I was beyond nervous. I didn't know if he wanted another child or not. I didn't know how he would act.

I soon finished supper and I called everyone in. Nadir walked into the kitchen and found Reza and Brianna already seated. He set down in his place.

Stuck in the Past (Phantom of the Opera) (Sequel: From Present to Past)Where stories live. Discover now