Final Chapter

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Dewy grabbed us both by our hair, and yanked us to a closed boat storage building. It was light inside like someone had been staying there for a while, but once inside I realized it was abandoned. I cried as he threw me and Sam into a pile of fishing nets in a corner in the basement. It was wet and soggy, with cement floors and was mostly empty. Except for the basement. There were cages, with rats running rapid. Chains were hung from the cages, and axes and other tools hung along the walls. But I wrapped concerned about the situation than the setting. I looked into his heartless eyes, murderous, black almost. He had all black on, skin tight, with a pistol in hand and a knife in an attachment on his waist.

"Why?" I muttered, sobbing louder than the words.

He couldn't hear me. He continued to grab duct tape from the tool rack; feeling behind him for it, as he kept the gun pointed on us.

"Why!" I screamed.

"Why not?" A girl voice chimed in.

My stomach dropped. My breath escaped, and my lungs weren't able to get any air. I cried so hard my heart hurt. She slowly walked down the stairs right to the side of us.

"I'll let her explain," he said, "help me tie them up though."

He tossed her the second roll of tape.

"Well sister," she began nonchalantly tying me up, as Dewy held the gun, "this is the love of my life."


"A while ago, I met Dewy through Anastasia."

It didn't even sound like my sister anymore. It was demon.

"And we both discovered we had a similar interest," she looked at him, who was smiling from ear to ear. They paused, and looked back at me. She took his knife and walked to us, rubbing the blade slowly against my shoulder, "the sound of flesh splitting in half. But the urge to kill eventually grew to the point I couldn't help it anymore. I killed someone Alexis."

Both of us watched as she walked back. As the tears in my eyes finally slowed, but remained there waiting for their time to fall.

"But you're supposed to be dead!" I screamed.

"That's where I come in. After Alice did what she did, she needed help. So I had my Uncle sat that the girl's body in the river was hers. He's the head of the morgue downtown, and he did it for me before. She was just some dumb lookalike from the town over for a fake job interview. Your sister here had the first cut."

"After that Anastasia tried to keep her mouth closed, but we all knew that wouldn't last for long. And everyone else who knew either joined or face consequences."


"The whole clique at the lunch table," Dewy added, "with an exception of the few."

"Why choose me!"

"We didn't. It was Levi."


"He really liked you. The cute and perky freshman. We just let it slide to make him happy. So you could guess when he figured out his brother was apart of the extracurricular group he wasn't too happy. That's why he's in the hospital now."

"But eventually, you got too close to the situation. Talking to Lily in the bathroom? It's sad, but we couldn't let it get loose," Alice said, "so we had to get rid of her and all the others who knew. . . That's why you had to be stopped. You were one step away from the climax, and that couldn't happen. So, we had to use this traitor."

She smacked Sam's head. But, she didn't expect the next thing to happen. Sam ripped her hands apart, opened by a nail sticking out of the floor. Dewy shot a gun, but hit Alice in the arm, "Ahh!"

She ran to him and grabbed a bat from the wall, swinging it and knocking the gun out of his hands. She beat him inter head with it, but he jumped on to her and punched her continuously in her face. She fought as much as she could, but it was futile. A gunshot rang again.

"Thanks," he said, dusting off his face of blood.

"Sam!" I cried, "No! Sam!"

A pool of blood formed around her head, soaking into her jacket. There was nothing I could do. My sister. The reason this all happened.

My sister.

She always was distant, but this?

My sister.

Wanted to kill me.

My sister.

Was a murderer.

She murdered my friends, and murdered me. Maybe that would be on my tombstone. She threw the gun to the ground, as it clicked saying it was empty. It was all over. She pulled out the knife.

"Here. I'll let you do it first," she said to Dewy.

He chuckled, and grabbed the knife, asking is she was sure. She nodded.

I stood up and hopped to the stairs only to fall and hit my head. My nose bled out.

"Hey don't do it for us," he joked.

"Please Dewy, stop!" I cried.

"I'm sorry. I can't do that."

He was right behind me. I closed my eyes to lessen the pain as if it would do anything to save me. I heard the slit, and my legs fell open, free from the tape.

"Run!" He said.

I ran. Confused and all, not realizing the reasoning behind his actions, but still accepting it. I found a saw upstairs, and cut the tape off my hands. I ran out of the building, hearing a gunshot. I ran to the side of the building, screaming.

"Help me! Someone please help me!"

My arm fell limp, as a shock jolted through my body. I cried as my arm ached from the gunshot wound, falling to the ground. She grabbed me from behind, dragging me back behind the building. I cried, fighting her as much as I could. She smacked me with the gun in the head, "Shut up."

She stood me up by the river, rough and hastily. The bridge had no sidewalk, and was too far above us for any car to notice a thing. The streets were covered in ice, and no one wanted to be out. So, nothing could save me.

I closed my eyes.

"Stop Alice!"

I opened them.

Levi limped, his bandages still on. She turned to him. He held out the gun and pointed it on her, "Leave her alone."

"Or what?"

A gun sounded, and she fell to the ground.

He walked over to me, as a bitter wind settled the lot. Slicing my face, and going back off into the atmosphere. He hugged me, as I cried in his shoulder. His muscles tensed up.

"Thank you so much," I cried.

"I love you," he said.

Then a figure appeared behind him and laughed.

"Levi she's-"


"I'm sorry."

The world grew cold, my body shook, as I fell numb. They kissed as I slipped off into my destination. The river. It seemed to all be in slow motion, but it was real. It wasn't a movie. I was dying. Killed by two people I thought I loved.

I was dying.

Hanging with the senior boys.

It all seemed worth it at first, but maybe I was naive then. I know now. But it's all too late.

Hanging With the Senior Boys


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