what should we do {1}

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Nobodys P.O.V.

On a simple British morning the "Golden Trio" as some people called it, were relaxing at the Burrow eating Mrs. Weasley's homemade wizard cookies. Harry and the gang were looking forward to their vacation after the battle of Hogwarts.

"Ron dear," Mrs. Weasley said impatiently. "Eat with your mouth closed."

"Yes mum."Ron said, his face turning tomato red.

Hermione and Harry cracked smiles. Ginny fell over laughing.

"Now," Mrs. Weasley announced,

"When you go back to Hogwarts for your last year....." Mrs. Weasley started talking about new books and robes and the new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher,

So Harry, Ron , Hermione, and Ginny started talking.

"So, what's the plan for summer vacation?" Harry said.

"Well, I was thinking we could apparate to America and see the Statue of Liberty in New York." Hermione said.

"There are some cool strawberry farms that we could go and visit in Long Island, New York." Hermione gushed.

"I used to go to strawberry farms with my parents before I got accepted into Hogwarts. You can eat the wild strawberries and look at the beautiful rows of strawberries there. We would have a great time!"

"No Hermione I say we go somewhere cool, like Hawaii!" Ron exclaimed.

"So you can get a tan?" Hermione said.

"Yes, a tan would be nice." Ron mused.

"Ron, New York sounds like a good idea." Ginny said.

"Yeah," Harry said. "I agree with Ginny."

"You're only saying that because she's your girlfriend." Ron said.

"Well its three against one Ron." Hermione said with a sly grin.

"Give it up. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaasseeeee!!" Hermione pleaded giving Ron puppy dog eyes.

"Fine!" Ron said. "I give up!"

"The Golden Trio is going to New York!" Harry said.

"Don't you mean the Golden Trio AND Ginny the awesome red head that everyone loves as much as Harry Potter?" Ginny announced.

"Yes, of course I did, Ginny." Harry mumbled.

"Alright," Ron said. "We're going to New York!"

"You're what?!" Mrs. Weasley said astonished.

"Mum, I .. I um...we weren't going to....."

"Of course you were!!" Mrs. Weasley said furiously.

"Why would you even think about going out for your vacation, when the Death Eaters are out at large!"

"The Ministry hasn't even captured them all!" Mrs. Weasley continued her rant.

"But mum!" Ron whined.

"No buts!" Mrs. Weasley said tightly.

"Up to bed, the whole lot of you!!"


"Wow," Ron said in the upstairs bedroom. "Have you ever seen mum so angry?"

"Well when George's ear got cut off she went pretty ballistic..." Harry started to say.

"Well there go our summer plans," Harry mumbled softly.

"I wonder what the girls are thinking about," Ron muttered.

"Yeah I wonder." Harry said sleepily.

And just like that they were asleep.


A/N Hey sorry this chapter was so short I'm gonna make the next one longer kay?! If I get at least one vote and comment I will update the next two chapters. I'm not askin for much people! So vote and update! Thanks a lot! Oh and I got the idea to write a Harry Potter and Percy Jackson fanfiction from reading another Harry Potter and Percy Jackson fanfiction. So all you Harry Potter and Percy Jackson lovers out there, you rock!! Oh and if you comment I will go to your books and comment/vote/fan!!! I will also give u a dedication on my books! thx! Please tell me if you find any mistakes! 

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