Grief and me

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Hey beautiful! Thanks for reading! (Intentionally or even if you stumbled upon it)
Just wanted to say that feedback is what gives people or more like, artists, the drive to work...
So any opinions are welcomed!
Thanks in advance :)

PS- sorry for posting after ages

I wish grief never knew me
And left me with joy
But he didn't hear any of my pleas
And mistook my fear as an act of being coy

I feel his embrace
Like a blanket of darkness
He's too possessive to let go,
It reflects in his starkness

I feel his touch
Linger for hours
He never leaves my mind
Flaunting his powers

I feel his gaze
Burning my back
Following me everywhere
To never lose track

I feel his desire
In each of his kiss
The hunger in his eyes,
Is impossible to miss

He wants me to be his
And leave everyone who ever taunted
Maybe I should,

For he's the only one
Who makes me feel wanted

Don't forget to vote if you liked it!
And have a good day!!

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