I miss us.

187 19 16

Hey guys!
Hope you like this one...

I miss the times you used to hold my hand
And the times we used to write our names on sand

Miss the way you used to blush when you caught my eye
And the way I always found out when you were telling a lie

Miss the places we used to stop by
And way we never said goodbye

Miss the way we used play with each other's hair
And way we used to laugh when caught the other's stare

Miss the time we used to talk endlessly till the sun rose
And the times we were sitting up too close

Miss the sweet voice calling me by funny names
And winning and losing on stupid bets and games

Miss the lovely messages and the idiotic selfies we used to share
The way we used to catch each other's each and every tear

Miss the way we used to surprise each other with gifts
And the way we used to get lost in each other in lifts

I miss the way you used to say I love you
Guess you don't say it anymore because you found someone new

People say it's over, I need to move on
But I still can't believe that you're gone

Don't know why I cry myself to sleep everyday
When I know that I can never be your bae

Don't know why I keep on making fuss
Well, maybe because I miss US

Echoes of my soul...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora