29|The Competition

Start from the beginning

"Yeah." He mumbles and follows me out.


"Nandini?" He asks cautiously.


"Are you angry?"


He starts laughing and I look up at him. We are stuck in a traffic jam.

"What?" I snap.

"It's funny how the first thing I have to ask you before starting a conversation is if you are angry." He points out. "You blow up just anytime! Like a nuclear bomb. I think I am putting my life in danger by sticking around you."

"Then why are you sticking around me? Find another job and fuck off!" I snap.

"Your vocabulary is so limited." He rolls his eyes. "And to answer your question, as much as I hate to say it out loud, since it will inflate your already whale-sized ego, I think I have started loving your company." The look he gives me sends butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I start looking out of the window, a small smile playing on my lips.

"So just chill. And stop acting like a jealous girlfriend. You are not that yet." He smirks.


Whaaaaat does he mean?????


"I am not acting like a jealous girlfriend, okay!" I mumble, unable to stop a wide smile from breaking out on my face. He is just staring at you!

"Okay." He chuckles to himself.

"How long more are we going to be stuck in this jam? It's already been half an hour!" I whine, my patience wearing off.

"There is a carnival in the nearby grounds. I think it's because of that." Manik says, looking out of the window.

"Shitty carnivals!" I grunt.

"Hey! Carnivals are not shitty. They are fun." He protests.

"All I know is that they cause traffic jams. So they are shitty."

"Haven't you ever been to one?"


"You've got to be kidding me!" He says with an incredulous look. "Never, ever?"


"Let's change that today."


20 minutes later, we are standing at the entrance of the carnival.

"This better be fun." I warn.

"Trust me, you will have the time of your life!" Manik reassures.

We go inside and the sight is...just crazy. I don't think I have ever seen so many people and so many colours in one place before. The air is abuzz with the giggling of children, the screaming of people on several rides and loud music blaring from somewhere. On one side, there are numerous stalls offering games and people hurdled around them. The far end of the ground seems to be crowded the most. I look around and realise that it is the food section. Lol!

"Wow!" I whisper, totally mesmerised.
"You like it?" He asks hopefully.

"This is awesome!"

"Let's get the party started, then!" He yells enthusiastically and pulls me into the crowd.

After having a go each on the Ferris wheel, the Pendulum ride and the Breakdance (whatever the hell that was), I feel exhilarated!

"That was so cool!" Manik breathes heavily. Throughout the rides, he was screaming and laughing like a maniac!

MaNan: Breaking FreeWhere stories live. Discover now