23. Roommates

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Davina's POV:


I couldn't see anything when we stepped in the building; the long-like corridor was pitch black, no light anywhere. The only sound was our heavy breaths and the fact no one had showed up had sent shivers down my spine. Kol was walking right beside me, looking around thoughtfully.

"No one is here." I stated and sighed in disappointment. I was hoping for some action today.

"Shh. Don't talk." he said, putting his finger in front of his lips.

I halted. Was someone there that I hadn't noticed? My eyes darted around in the darkness, searching frantically for any movement. At the end of the hallway, I saw at the left a closed door and a weird symbol on its surface which I was pretty sure I had never seen something like that. But whatever was hiding behind that door was radiating a strong and dark aura. Witch or not, I could sense it. And Kol did too.

"I'm going to check the door." I said and started walking when suddenly Kol's sudden grip around my arm stopped me on my tracks.

"You can't go there." he said in a warning tone, his eyes fixed on me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why not?"

"Something... is not right in there. I'll check it out."

"I'm capable of dealing with whatever lies behind that door." I snapped back.

Kol paused for a moment and then he exhaled, giving me a grin. "Be my guest then, darling. I'm going to check the other corridor."

I nodded. I turned around again, approaching the door. As my palm touched the cold surface of the handle, I slowly pulled it; a creeking sound echoed throughout the corridor and I took a big breath as I stepped in the dark room.

But like I said, it was dark; I could see nothing except the pitch black color. I walked farther in the room and when I was standing at the center, the door behind me slammed closed.

"What the--"

I immediately turned around and ran toward the door but when I tried to open it, it was like a decoration on the wall. It couldn't be opened. I heard Kol on other side of the once called door, kicking and punching it.

"Bloody hell," he cursed and I heard him sighing, "Darling, are you alright in there?"

As I was about to answer, the lights turned on, the sudden bright light making my eyes narrow. The walls of the room were made of concrete, with the familiar gray color decorating them. But what startled me was the unconscious person who was tied up in a chair with chains. Magical chains. Now, everything made sense; he was radiating this mystic aura I sensed a few moments ago.

"Yeah, I'm good." I replied after a few seconds and turned around, approaching the person. "Listen Kol, you should go check the other corridor. I'll be fine, don't worry."

"Are you sure, love?"

"Yes, but be careful okay?" I said in a concern tone as I turned my attention back at Kol.

I knew he didn't need my advice. But it naturally came out, I knew for sure we had to be careful in that place. "Don't worry about me, darling. See you around."

An abrupt groan was heard in the small room and I turned around quickly. The guy was waking up, probably the bright light made him to. I slowly approached him as he blinked his eyes, shaking his head.

"I'm so sick of your games, Strix." he said and looked up at me, furrowing his eyebrows suspiciously. "Wait, you are not one of them, are you?"

I crossed my arms stubbornly, "No, of course not. Who are you? And why did they tie you up in here like an animal?"

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