Thank you. I love you.

871 22 3

I roll up the scroll, and seal it with a quick sealing jutsu.

"That should do it."

"You know, the first sign of being crazy is talking to yourself."

I was so immersed in my letter, I didn't sense Anko's chakra in the doorway.

"That sounds like something Neji said..."

"Whatever. But Lady Tsunade says she needs you to be at the KIA stone in the forest in ten minutes."

"Okay. Thanks. But do me a favor, send this to Sunagakure for me?"

"Sure thing. Good luck, Yuukina."

I wave my hand, and head off for the KIA stone.


"Lady Tsunade, what is the meaning of this?" I ask. "Why am I here?"

Tsunade says nothing, just looks at me with a thoughtful face.

We're sitting by the KIA stone, in the middle of the woods.

Kakashi is out on a mission, so he won't be sulking about Obito here today.

Tsunade places a hand on my shoulder. The other one is behind her back.

"Close your eyes."

Once my eyes are closed, Tsunade tells me to hold out my good hand, so I do.

It's placed in my outstretched hand, cold and heavy. Just like the new responsibility I must bear.

But sometimes, cold and heavy is a good thing.

Sometimes, cold and heavy gives you another chance.

And sometimes, cold and heavy means you're no longer an outsider. You can finally be accepted.

I wrap my hand around the cold metal, accepting it as mine, just as I do my new responsibility.

Now, no one can call me an outsider. No one can tell me I don't belong.

A tear slowly traces it's way down my face, and Tsunade brushes it away.

Eyes still closed, I trace my finger along the familiar Leaf symbol etched into the metal plate.

I lift it to my forehead, and Tsunade ties it for me.

I don't try to stop the tears from falling, I just feel them slip down my cheeks.

Thank you. I have no words to tell you how much this means to me.

I don't say a words when I open my eyes.

Tsunade smiles and holds out her hand for a handshake. I ignore it, and hug her tightly.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"I award you with the hitai-ate of the Hidden Leaf. Welcome to Konoha's Tokubetsu Jounin Unit, Yuukina Nara."

I smile, tears still flowing down, and run off to find Naruto.

As usual, he's at Ichiraku Ramen Shop with Sakura and Sasuke. Kakashi is on a mission with somebody, escorting somebody to the land of something. I brush my tears away, and join them at the table. 

"Naruto, look!" I say, trying not to cry anymore. 

"What the- hey! Did Grandma Tsunade give you tha-"

I nod. 


"Yuukina, you're a Leaf now!" says Sakura. "Congratulations!"

"Nice." says Sasuke, which is all I'm going to get from him. 

Naruto says nothing, he just hugs me. I know that he's happy, though. 

"We'll go tell Lee later. Here! Have some ramen!" Sakura shoves a bowl of ramen at me, and I start eating, my tears returning again. 

"Thank you guys..."

"No problem! And congratulations! Wait, why are you crying?!"

"I'm happy! I can finally be one of you guys!" I sob into Sakura's shoulder. 

"Aww, Yuukina, Lady Tsunade knows you deserve it!"

A little bit later, when I'm done eating, I go back to the KIA stone, and stare up at the stars in the sky. 

"Thank you." I say over and over again, repeatedly tracing the Leaf symbol with my finger. "Thank you..."


A bird flies high in the clouds of the Land of Fire, carrying a scroll. Rolled up tightly in the scroll is this message:

Dear Tsuki, Sanko, Nasaki, Temari, Kankuro and Gaara:

Hi everybody!

You may have heard about the battle of the Sannin that happened the other day. Yes, I was a part of that. I gave Kabuto quite a beating. Tsunade is going to look at my arm and Lee's leg soon, as well as Sasuke and Kakashi. There's been a lot happening in Konoha over the past few months. This might sound extra cheesy, but my heart has been captured by this village and it's shinobi. Naruto is growing stronger. He's making excellent progress towards the position of Hokage. I predict that the seventh head on that mountain will resemble that of Naruto Uzumaki. 

Nasaki: Take care of everyone, would you? T-T

Tema-chan: A couple of weeks ago, I found Tenten beating up a tree with your face on it. -_-'

Gaa-kun: Please remember the lesson Naruto Uzumaki taught you, and use it everyday. (^-^)

Tsuki: I know you love cats. Lord Hiashi Hyuuga said I could get a cat! >/////<

Sanko: Stay chill, bro. 0_0

Kan-baka: While Nasaki's taking care of everyone else, take care of Nasaki, would you? 9_9

I am now living in the Hyuuga compound with Hinata and Neji. Lord Hiashi offered me a place in their home when Neji, Hinata, and Hanabi said they approved of it. 

I have been learning a new wind style jutsu, though I haven't used it in battle yet. It's the jutsu of the Fourth Hokage, and it WAS exclusive only to the Toad Sage, Jiraiya. Now, Naruto and I have mastered the jutsu. It's called the Rasengan. I'll show you when I get back. I'm planning to add my own little twist to it, to make it more 'Yuukina-original'.

I'll try to send letters whenever I can, and I hope someone finds a new Kazekage soon...*cough* not Baki-Baka *hack* Baki sucks *ACHOOO!*  (Man, I really hope this cold clears up soon...) *wink* *wink*

For now, I'll remain in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, to train Naruto Uzumaki and Rock Lee. 

Thank you for taking me to Konoha. 

Place some flowers at Yondaime's grave for me. 

I love you.

~Yuukina Nara

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