Let's make the alcoholic our leader!

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For the fifteenth time this month, I wake up in a hospital. 

"Ugghh. Not again." I groan, sitting up. 

"Well, you're okay. Not Kakashi, though." says Gai. "And certainly not Lee."

"Okay. Tell the medics I'm leaving. I have somewhere I have to be. I'm alright. After what happened one time, Itachi wouldn't have the guts to hurt me."


"Tell Lee that when I'm back, I'll have Tsunade Senju with me. Promise."

Gai salutes as I tug on my sandals and walk out the door. 

"Will do, Yuukina." he says. 


"Lord Hiashi, I will be gone for a while, I'm going with Lord Jiraiya and Naruto Uzumaki to find Tsunade Senju. She will be appointed as our new Hokage, and I will persuade her to heal the leg of Rock Lee, as well as my arm. Kakashi if he needs it. I will be back within a month or two."

"Alright. You may leave. Good luck."

"Thank you, Lord Hiashi. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Yuukina."


"Okay, Naruto, Pervy Sage. I'm ready to go. Naruto, do you seriously expect to be able to carry that bag?"

Naruto has a giant yellow backpack on him. It's so huge, it's taller then the ninja himself.

"Nope! I can totally carry this! Believe it."

"Hate to break it to you, kid, but I don't believe it."

"Aww, why not?"

"Try it."

Naruto tries to walk, but fails. 

"See? Your idiot self just had to bring a bag that huge. Bring money, weapons, and clothes. That's all you need."

"Where's your money? Or your weapons and clothes?" he asks of me. 

"I have them stored in a summoning scroll for now."

"A what?"

"You heard me, a summoning scroll. Since I'm not doing any fighting, I only have my kunai, shuriken, senbon and poisons on me at the moment. Just in case we run in to...oh, I don't know, a particularly nasty rogue ninja or something. Otherwise, everything's in here." I tap the big summoning scroll on my back. 

"Oh, that's clever! Hey, look, Pervy Sage has one, too!" he shouts. 

"You never noticed that before? You're an idiot."

That's for frogs, idiot. 


Naruto tells Jiraiya he's amazingly pervy, and Jiraiya proceeds to reveal his 'true identity'. I just keep walking. 

Naruto seems unimpressed by the pervert's introduction because he just keeps walking. 

"Uh...Atapaku town! It's ten kilometers from here." says Naruto, reading a sign. 

"No, it's Otapaku town."

"Oh. Hey, wait a second, Pervy Sage!"

"Look, kid, I told you already, it's Jiraiya. Come on!"

"So, the fact that such a..."

I tune them out, and keep walking. 

I've met Tsunade before, when Tsuki wanted to go gambling. We made a lot of money off of that Lady. I wonder if she'll agree to be Hokage. I can persuade her to heal Lee and Kakashi and I, but I don't know about the whole Hokage thing.

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