Weasel and Sushi

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"You want me to do what?!"

"Gah. Just go talk to Pervy Sage."

I march over to the Konoha hot springs, and see Jiraiya on the roof, peering into the girls' side.

"Oi! Pervert! Get your perverted ass down here and tell me what you told Naruto!"

Jiraiya looks over his shoulder, and sees me glaring.

"There's nobody in there, Yuukina! I swear!"

"I know that, idiot. I don't sense anybody in there. Now get down here."

"Okay!" Jiraiya jumps off the building and lands in front of me. "I told Naruto we're going to find a lady named Tsunade Senju, to heal you and Lee. I didn't tell Naruto this, but I'm offering her the position of Hokage."

My eyes widen.

"Tsunade Senju? The Hokage? She might not want to do it."

"I know, but neither do I."

"You selfish old man. If I were older, and more qualified for the position, I'd gladly take it, and train Naruto to be as strong as me. If I were you, that's what I'd do."

"So, are you coming along with us, or not?"

"Of course I am. I can't make Lee wait any more, and if I stay back, it'll be boring waiting for you guys to come back with her."

"Good." says Jiraiya. 


"I'm just waiting on Sasuke."

"It's not like you to be waiting, Kakashi, you're usually the one who's late."

"Shut up, Yuukina."

"Kakashi." Sasuke walks across the street to us. 

Asuma and Kurenai, Kakashi and I stand in front of a restaurant in which two members of the Akatsuki sit. 

"Hello, there, Sasuke."

"'Sup, Duckbutt."

Sasuke takes a look at the restaurant, and wrinkles his nose. 

"Let's eat somewhere else, I don't have much of a sweet tooth."

'Is that so..."

You idiot , Kakashi! Do something! There are two Akatsuki members sitting in this place, and you're just going to talk to Sasuke about where to eat?!

I look back at the Akatsuki members, only....

Where'd they go?

The two people left behind their steaming cups of tea.

Kakashi nods, and Asuma and Kurenai disappear. 

"We've got to help them. They're by the river."

So we run off.


"You live up to your reputation, however..." says Itachi Uchiha. 

"However, this is the end of the line. For you, anyway." says Kakashi. 

Itachi turns around, and Kisame looks in our direction. 

"Sabaku no Yuukina. Sunagakure Tokubetsu Jounin, formerly of the Hidden Sand ANBU unit. Interesting to find you here in Konoha."

"Kisame Hoshigaki, rogue ninja of the Hidden Mist. I'd say you're pretty far from home yourself."

Asuma takes Kisame's momentary distraction as a chance to swipe one of his knuckle knives at the blue man, giving him a cut on the cheek. 

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