Chapter 25- A Mistaken Wish

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Maybe there is still hope.


2 days later

I woke up early again with the same dream of him walking away, leaving me with my guilt. Things haven't changed since that day with shivi.....I was still living in hope of him calling me.

Since past two days I have been keeping myself burdened with a hell lot of work so that my mind is occupied with all the work and so that my nagging conscious can go on a break from making my life even more miserable and I can be distracted....I needed it. As I wanted to be distracted so I volunteered for helping my sister in arranging my niece first birthday party and I tell you boy my sister was preparing for hell of an party and the task was just not easy going, she just wanted everything pitch perfect. So she had asked me to go out with her to do some booking and shopping for the party. Shopping with her was a way different story...I mean who buys balloons form 7 different shops just to get the perfect color.... Shopping is a tough job for me but shopping with my sister was a whole different story.... You can just say that I was having the "best" time of my life (note the sarcasm). After shopping for I have no idea how many hours we came back home. I went straight to my room to find my mobile charger as my cellphone was taking its last breaths and could give up on me any moment. After putting it on charging I went to change and get something to eat for myself as I was starving. I haven't eaten anything since morning and it was almost my dinner time. So after garbing my snack I just prowled on my bed dead on my feet from all the shopping adventure, they were almost dead from all the walking.

Suddenly my phone rang and my screen showed shivi's photograph...i answered after second ring

"hey bitchy" came her voice.

"to what do I owe the pleasure" I asked her

"hey can I just not call my best friend" she said

"you don't call me until you are in deep shit" I stated sarcastically

"no need to be so bitchy...I just called to know how are you doing...!!" she replied

"really...!!" I asked doubtfully

"ok fine, I just broke up" she admitted

"its not your first time" I replied as matter of fact.

"I know, don't need to remind.... Why did I even call were suppose to support me and cope me up with this heartbreak" came her voice dramatically

"first you called me because you have no one else to share ur crap with and as long as your heart break is concerned then all you need to do to forget your recent mishap by eating chocolats.....go dig in ur will find solution to you current heartbreak." I replied her knowing that 2 chocolates will be more than sufficient to get over her heartbreak.

"you know I love you" she said

"I know" I replied

"hey you are suppose to say that back to me"

"not feeling love right bugger off" relplying to her dramatism

"first say you love me then I will go" she said

"byee" saying that I disconnected the call

She called me back again


"say it" she said stubbornly

"don't you have anything better to do"

"I wont stop calling you until you say it" she said

I disconnected the call again. Such a drama queen I had as my best friend

My phone rang again and again and again and again and again and I knew I wont be getting rid of her until I said it so when my phone rang again I answered it and said

"I love you, happy now"

"you just made me the most happiest person alive princess" said the voice I had been waiting to listen everyday.


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Major editing needed i know so plz ignore the mistake

A Mistaken Wish (#Wattys2016)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora