Chapter 9-Jealous Much..!

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"Jealousy is a way of telling someone that you love them TOO much to let them go"



Its been 2 days since my great realization that I'm in LOVE with Miss Smart Mouth and I'm a heck since then. Dude I need to do something about it...but I'm clueless what will I be doing.... I know the next sensible move to take after you fall in love is to court your lover and propose her telling her your deep, deep feeling but in my case it seems stupidity....!!

After stalking her about for 2 weeks and finding every possible info about her, told me that if 'you had even a slight of brains then don't go on your knees proposing this girl or she will knee you down in place where sun never shines'....Miss Smart Mouth was so not hearts and flowers.. so proposing was so not the idea for My Girl....i needed to think out of box idea for Miss Smart Mouth and flowers, chocolates and cards were definitely not going to take me to where I wanted and adding to my already messed up love story, stood a problem of me being 'man of few words'. As if this was not just enough I had been hearing rumors of her dating some guy name Himanshu. The mere thought of anyone holding her, making her laugh takes me to the verge of anger where I could physically harm someone. All I knew was that she was MINE and I will make her Mine at any cost. I was a very determined person . This has helped me reach till here in my career, if I set my mind on getting anything then that thing became mine by all means....and I was really particular regarding what's mine and didn't believe in sharing and as hell sure will not start with the girls I'm in Love with. Yes I'm freaking possessive. But what's Mine stays Mine.. so whoever this Himanshu was he will have to bid Audie to My Love as I'm coming to get MY LOVE

But right now I need to focus...being the captain of school cricket team was not easy you need to maintain your calm and focus for playing and standing as a leader and guide the team. We had a friendly match with our rival school and I knew that this match was going to be everything except being 'FRIENDLY' so I reminded my team for the zillionth time to not lose their calm...there is all the time later outside where they can lose their head on our opponent. The love of my life studied in the same school and I wondered how love found its way even in the most unlike situations. But right now I need to get a grip on my fantasy or we would be losing the game and I didn't want my love to see me loosing. I have barely spoken to this girl but she has made a place in my heart no one else had and will never have....!!

I was dragged out of my dreams as soon as I heard our coach shouting us to get out of bus as we had reached.....we came out of the bus and walked to the grounds to play a "FRIENDLY" match with our "Foes".

As soon as I reached the ground I looked around to see if MY Angel was there, I lot of girls were standing outside the ground many of them 'checking me out', nothing new, but I was oblivious to their stares my eyes were only searching My Angel. Shubham noticed me and tapped me in my shoulder and pointed towards the corner of the ground on my left hand side and I was HER. She was in simple school uniform, white shirt and grey skirt which reached just above her knees and her beautiful legs were covered by the stoking she was wearing. She was looking like an ANGEL sent from heaven exclusively for me. I wondered how can someone look so beautiful yet so simple. Then I suddenly caught her eyes and wonders of wonders she was looking at me.


I caught him looking at me and rather than turning away he looked right back and everything just stood still. All I could see was his dark black eyes with a hint of brown in them. I have never seen such beautiful eyes an whenever Iooked in them I could not atop myself from getting lost in them, like right now. It didn't matter to me if I knew him or not but I definitely felt some connection to those eyes. In usual cases I get uncomfortable and sometimes even hostile also when I see someone staring at me but his stare made me nothing like that, his eyes didn't hold lust in them instead they showed amazement, wonder and something else I could not figure out what....his gaze made me feel warm and gave a sense of security as if they were saying 'hey, don't worry I'm right behind to catch you if you fall'... I was brought out of my trance when I felt someone shaking my shoulder and calling my name......God I'm going INSANE

I turned and saw Himanshu with his cricket bat and a helmet....i usually don't like cricket much and watching it standing in the sun was definitely not my definition of spending my Saturday morning....but as Himanshu was playing I had to come...after all he we owe that much to our best friends.. And Himanshu was toh more than just friend, he was my bestest friend.

I turned to him and he asked me 'where was I lost..?' ,Himanshu knew about Aditya , I didn't usually keep anything from him and I knew it was only him who would understand me even Shivani dosen't know about it because Shivani can sometimes be really "Jumpy" so only he knew about him. I told him that Aditya was here. He smirkered and said that "This will be fun" and gave me a hi-five before going to the field. He was the captain of cricket team. So he had to go in first for toss. I turned around and saw Aditya glaring, he looked angry.....i have no idea what brought that on..... I didn't do anything. He kept looking at me making me feel guilty for something I don't even know I did and then turned away looking at our coaches for toss.... I noticed he was giving Himanshu death glare... and something just stuck me.....

Was He Jealous......!!!

And for some weird reason I liked him getting jealous over me..! OMG...! Have I seriously lost it or what...!!

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