Chapter 13: Meeting the Family?

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Dahvie's P.O.V.

We've been on tour for about two weeks now. We are in Florida now. Now I am getting nervous. Why you might ask. Well, because I am introducing Jayy to my parents. As my boyfriend. What would they think? Would they still love me? What would they think about Jayy? This is to much stress.

"Dahvie. Is everything okay? Baby you look pale," Jayy asked me sounding concern.

"I'm fine babe. I'm just getting nervous," I smiled up at him.

"About what," he asked. Damn it. I knew that he would ask. Why now though?

"You meeting my parents and what they'll think. I don't want them to hate me or you," I replied trying to hide the nervousness in my voice.

"Awww. Baby don't worry. We'll get it figured out. My mom already said that we can stay with her instead of the hotel if we want to. I told her that might if things don't go good at your house." He sounds so sweet about it.

"Awwww babe. Did you talk to your mom about it before we even got here?"

"Yes. I have a feeling that things aren't going to go as well as we hope that it will."

"You're worried about it that much that you already talked to her?"

"Yeah I am. I don't know what I would do without you. I'm worried that your parents are going to hate me more than they already do and think that I turned you gay just because we live with each other. Even though we both know that I didn't."

I hugged him after hearing that. He really does think about me. I'm glade that he does. I made the right choice in picking him to be my boyfriend. I don't want to loose him.

Jayy's P.O.V.

Dahvie is really nervous about me meeting his parents as his boyfriend. I don't blame him. They were against me being gay. His parents took it as  offensive to them. So jut just imaging what thy would say and do when they find out about Dahvs. Let alone they don't like the name Dahvie. They believe that he should've kept it as David. His parents get weird with things involving me. 

I hope everything works out though. This will push him over the edge. He might not stay as calm. Last time I was over at his parents they got mad when  they found out that I was gay. He got pissed and we had to leave and he went off on them. If I wasn't there to calm him down it could've been worse. I just hope it doesn't happen again or get worse than last time.

Dahvie's P.O.V

*30 Minutes Later*

"Jayy. Come on. We're going to be late. We can't be late. They are already going to be pissed at me," I yelled at Jayy through the bathroom door of our hotel room.

"I know, I know. I'm almost ready," he yelled back. About five minutes later he came out and we went out the care and headed over to my parents house. When my dad answered the door, I felt Jayy tense up behind me. 

Jayy's P.O.V.

Please let it be Dahvie's mom. Please let it be Dahvie's mom. Don't let it be Dahvie's dad. When the door opened I lost all faith that this was going to be a good visit.

"Hello David," his dad said as he saw Dahvie. Then he looked at me and a look of disgust crossed over his face. "Hello....... Jeremy," he said with a sneer and a bit of disgust lacing his voice. 

Great. This is how this visit is going to go.

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