The End of the Fight

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(Alex's POV)

"I FUCKING HATE YOU ALEX." The words still ring in my ears. It's been a month now. An entire month. The band fell apart, I fell apart.

I've been back in Baltimore now, since the night Jack quit the band. I figured All Time Low was nothing without him, so we all called it a quits. I moved back in with my dad, due to the fact that my now ex-boyfriend wanted me dead. I wanted me dead too. So I wrote one last note.

I don't know who I want to find it, or if I want anyone to. After tonight though, I know for sure, that I won't be around to see it. Jack was the last person keeping me alive, and now? He's the one throwing me off the cliff. I decided to write it to him, because I'm sure he'll read it somehow anyway.

Dear Jack,

You filled my life with joy. Every sad moment, I went to you. Every good moment, I had with you. My life was a mess. It has been for awhile, but that's life and life isn't fair. I believe that's something we can both still agree on.

If you're reading this, that means I'm long gone, possibly already six feet under. Either way, I want you to know, I love you. I've always loved you. I always will. I know what I did to you was unfair and horrid and unforgivable, but how you feel towards me doesn't even compare to how much I hate myself for what I did. I lost the one person in my life that I truly cared about, because I got drunk. I'm sorry Jack, I'm so very sorry. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me, or forget me. Whichever helps you cope, or feel, or relax. It's all I want for you. Happiness.

I will always love you.

Forever and always,


And with that letter, I travelled to the bathroom, and pulled out the brand new box. A shame only one will ever be used, but the fact that the box will be opened is enough for me. As I took a deep breath, I felt the first line start to bleed, it was hideous. All of it was a complete eye sore. Despite how it's romanticized, this is not, beautifully tragic. It's horrid. However, I pressed on, carving curve after curve, until his name was in my arm.

"There forever" I whispered to myself, before passing out on the cool tile floor.

(Alex's dad POV)

I heard a loud thud and decided to run upstairs to find out exactly what happened. I flung the bathroom door open to find Alex, bleeding, and unconscious.

"Fuck, fuck, fuCK, FUCK" I yelled as I picked my 18 year old son up and carried him to the car, I didn't bother to use seat belts, he was losing a lot of blood, and I needed to get to the hospital, quickly.

The drive felt like forever, however it was no more than 10 minutes. I had tears clouding my vision and thoughts clouding my mind. I loved my son, and I sure as hell wasn't letting him do this. I pulled up to the door and basically threw him at a doctor before I went to fill out paperwork.

I had sat in that waiting room for an hour and twenty eight minutes before a doctor came out to see me.

"Mr. Gaskarth?" He asked in that monotone voice all doctors seem to have.

"Yes?" I replied, trying to act calm, however, I was frantic and there was no way for me to hide that.

"Your son will be fine. Some major scars, and a blood transplant, however, he will pull through this. He got really lucky this time." He continued in the same tone.

"Oh thank fucking god." I breathed as he walked away. I pulled out my phone, and the paper I had found in the bathroom fell out of my pocket. It was a letter, to Jack. A lot became evident in that moment. My son wanted to die, and Jack, despite the fact I didn't like it, needed to know. So I called him.

"Mr. Gaskarth, do you understand it's three in the morning?" He answered groggily.

"I do, but Alex's in the hospital...he umm, well tried to kill himself, and I think you need to see him. Despite your differences right now, you're the only person he cares about. You were the only person he included in his letter." I whispered, and it was as if I could feel the sadness flood over Jack.

"I'll be right there." He spat out before he hung up.

It took him five minutes tops to get there, and he completely disregarded all norms of social conduct.

"May I please have the letter?" He asked, tears forming in his eyes. I handed it to him, and he walked away, towards Alex's room.

(Jack's POV)

I had read the letter, maybe five times, before I reached his hospital bed. I had a full on sob fest, and I couldn't help but feel this was all my fault. I looked at his arm first, and it read Jack. What a sad thing we had become. So much potential, but it all fell apart, because I am a stupid boy, that acts like a stupid girl, and cares far too much for my own good.

I sat down beside Alex, and took his hand in my own.

"I doubt you can hear me, but I love you Alex. I will always love you, no matter how mad I am. I care. For me, please get through this." And with that, his heart stopped beating. He didn't want to live, and he gave up, but not before I knew. Not before he knew for sure that I still loved him.

Isn't that what love really is? Knowing in the worst times, so you can finally be weak?

With that, I kissed him one last time, before collapsing on the floor beside him.

(A/N. So that's it!! I know, it's not a happy ending, but life isn't a happy ending. I hope you guys enjoyed this, I know I enjoyed writing it! I plan to write another story soon, it won't be a fan fiction though, so my apologies :/ but thank you so much for reading! Love always,

Mikayla :3 )

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