Just a daydream away

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(Alex's POV)

It's amazing how much someone can change in a few months. Lisa, was suddenly willing to date a girl? She was disgusted at the idea of me eating her out...let alone a girl...what the fuck could change someone that much? Maybe she's just willing to experiment, or maybe she's finally realizing it's the life for her...I mean didn't I change suddenly? In a matter of a week in fact.

"Alex are you ready yet?!" Jack called from downstairs. In all honesty I was no where near close to being ready. At least not mentally. It seems kind of dumb really, but I didn't want to see the night unfold. I didn't want to know where it ends, and I didn't want to find out who would be fucking who when it was all over. It's not like I still have feelings for Lisa, but I still care. She's such a sweet girl, and I've hurt her enough. If this Tay character ends up just having a one night fuck, it'll kill Lisa. She may be a sexual deviant, but she's never been one for one night stands.

"Yeah, I'll be right down." I responded before throwing the notebook I had across the room. It seems like something horrible is going to happen. There's no way of knowing what, but someone is going to get hurt, and I sure as hell hope it's me, I can take it, but I can't let them take it.


"I don't think you want to see what's underneath, your made up version of me." Tay sang with her eyes closed. Lisa was beside me rocking out in the middle of the crowded coffee shop. It didn't seem like the music you'd hear in a cafe...it was more of something you'd hear at an underground concert. That's where we got our start...maybe we could take this band with us to our next concert...an opening act. They're sound isn't similar to ours, but it's the same genre. I doubt they'd want to, but if they did, we could both get signed at some point...

I turned to look at Lisa. It seemed to me she was absorbing every word. She seemed a bit like a pot addict taking in someone else's fumes in hopes they'll share. Her eyes were glued on Tay, and I doubt she saw me staring at her, trying to read her thoughts. I can't read them, but I can surely tell you that she was smitten. It's the same way I saw Jack, the exact same way. The only difference is the fact that she doesn't have to hide it. She can be openly gay, no judgements, no losses, just happiness. I'm proud of her in actuality. With this new confidence, she seems happy and well, alive again. When I saw her not even a week ago, she seemed like a pile of bones, now she had life in her cheeks and soul in her step. It doesn't mean she'll always be happy but now she is and that is all I care about.

"Alex, this kids are really good..." Jack practically yelled over the music. He was right. If he had the same idea I did, we could make this work. Zack and Rian wouldn't care less. They once asked a guy playing his guitar on the street if he'd be our sound man...let's just say that one worked out well.

"I know, opening act good?" I asked keeping it short and sweet, to keep his attention. I got a nod in response and that was enough to urge me to approach them after their set.


(A/N: So I know my posts are always short, and I'm sorry if that bugs you to no end, but I'm easily bored and can't write long drawn out chapters. I try my hardest to post often to make up for that, but as I'm human, I make mistakes sometimes. I don't know how many people read this, so I'm just kind of writing for myself, but if you've stuck with this story this long,I love you. Anywho, I'm looking for song lyrics for future chapters so if you could maybe comment your favorite lyrics...? That'd be awesome (: )

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