Say goodbye

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(Alex's POV)

"Jack, Jack, JACK!" I yelled in the passenger seat as we drove behind Zack and Rian. I was honestly the most excited I have ever been. We were leaving. Finally leaving Baltimore. Finally leaving our past. Finally following our dreams. For a long time, everyone said we were crazy. They said we didn't know what we were doing. They said a lot of things. But here we were, driving to make a name of ourselves. We'd only been driving for an hour, but I couldn't wait to get to Pittsburg. Our original plan was California, but Matt had an amazing idea to head to Pittsburg. Apparently it's the hipster capital of the East Coast.

"What?" He said, not turning his head to look at me. I knew he'd have an issue leaving his parents, but he seemed like he truly wanted this. It was his idea in the first place. I still remembered that day clearly. It was perfect. He was perfect. The store was perfect. Every thing was just perfect.

"I...nevermind." I stuttered out before I blasted the music. Dookie happened to be in at the moment, and I could see Jack's thumb drumming along. Sure, he wasn't rocking out, but he wasn't completely tense. I felt so bad. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't be in this situation, but I mean, this idea still seemed so nice.

"Jack...I'm s-so sorry." I whispered just loud enough so he could hear.

"For what?" He said with a light laugh.

"Making you leave your parents.." I responded, staring at him.

"Alex, I had the choice to leave. I could have said, 'nah guys I'm just gonna stay here.' But I didn't because I want to do this. I want to do it with you and the guys and our guitars and all of this. I'm just a bit nervous, how could I not be? But we've got a place to stay in Pittsburg thanks to Flyzik, so I think that'll be reassuring." He stated calmly. How could that not make me feel better? I gotta say, this is why I loved him.

"Really? Well then I guess we're going to have a good ass night. How far away do you think we are?" I asked because I happen to be an impatient one, and let's face it, what 18 year old doesn't want to explore Pittsburg on a Friday night?

"I'd say about 3-4 hours, so we'll get there about 11. Just in time for you to see the night life." He said a bit mockingly due to the fact that he knew me all too well.

"Well I sure hope so. Maybe we'll find some new acquaintances." I yelled due to the fact I turned the music up louder.

"Just not too friendly of acquaintances." Jack yelled back before drumming along to the beat.

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