That Girl

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(Alex's POV)

"Dude, I know. Do any of you know where he is?" I asked to everyone in the room however, only Rian responds.

"No clue. He came in, told us how much of an asshole you were, and said he was going on a walk. You fucked up man. What the hell were you thinking?" He spewed at me before I had a chance to explain anything. I looked to Matt, who happened to be asleep, and Zack who looked as if he was ready to kill me. Needless to say, I was not wanting to stay in that room for as long as it took to explain everything.

"I wasn't thinking. Did he give any clues as to where he went?" We were in Pittsburgh. Like I knew where he would go.

"Not a word. You might wanna find him. It's been like 5 hours." He retorted and with that I left.

(Jack's POV)

I walked along the path I had ventured on about 5 hours ago, but this time I didn't think like I had before. I wasn't thinking about the graffiti or beautiful lights or the couples walking by. I was questioning everything about my relationship. I wanted so badly for the music to drown out the thoughts, but I wanted the thoughts to drown out the lyrics.

"Here is the story of how they met, her face was on a pack of cigarettes. She touched him, he turned ruby red." I sang softly to myself as I watched my shoes hit the pavement one after the other. I wasn't sure how to deal with this, but I knew I didn't want to take any calls so I turned my phone on do not disturb.

(Alex's POV)

I had called Jack 30 times before giving up and just walking the streets to find him. It was killing me. The night was all completely blurry, I remember a girl, she woke up next to me, we had to have had sex because she was naked and so was I.

I couldn't really help myself, so I called up the only person I knew wouldn't judge me on this.

"Hello...? Alex? What the hell are you calling me for?" She asked confused and tired as if I had just woken her up.

"Lisa, look, I need your advice." Despite the fact that I hadn't spoken to her since that night, I figured she'd be mad, but she wasn't missing a beat.

"Okay, what's up?" She responded still groggy.

"I kind of fucked a girl last night and Jack walked in..well before anything happened I think but I guess we kept going? I don't know I got drunk in a bar in Pittsburgh and now Jack's missing." I basically yelled at hyper speed.

"Wait, why are you in Pittsburgh? And one, that was really shitty of you. Two, knowing Jack, he'll come back when he's ready. Give him some space. This might be the wrong time, but Tay is down to tour with you guys." She said calmly. At least there was a silver lining.

"Well thanks Lisa. We kind of ran away, so don't tell anyone. I'll talk to you later." And with that, I hung up, turned around, and went back to wait for Jack.

(Jack's POV)

While staring at my shoes, I ended up running into a woman, and me being my absolute awkward self, I started mumbling a string of apologies before I even looked up. However, the face I saw was one I felt I had seen before.

"Do I umm, know you?" I ask as I take out my earbuds.

"Haha..well kind of, I'm umm..Jasey Rae." She stuttered out and the memory came back. There was significantly less light then, but I can see that it's the same person.

"I'm just gonna go then." I said as I started putting my earbuds in and walking away but she grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"Wait, let me explain. Last night I saw Alex at the bar and you and I both know he's attractive so I started talking to him and he told me about his band and everything and how passionate he was so I started buying him drinks and he was too drunk to do anything so he offered to take me back and let me crash at you guy's hotel room because he thought I was drunk and didn't want me to drive and when you walked in, I though you were his roommate and he explained to me, but I wanted to you know, convince a gay guy to like me, so I pushed it too far..and we fucked..but he was screaming your name the whole time. It was really all my fault, please don't let this ruin what you guys have, he obviously really loves you." She slurred her words together due to the speed she was speaking at but I understood, however I was still mad at Alex. It takes two to tango.

"Well thanks, but I ought to be going." I said as I walked away, still angry about everything that had happened recently. I turned my phone off of do not disturb to find 30 calls, 15 voicemails and a text from Lisa.

Lisa: hey bro, I don't know what's going on, but Zack texted me and asked me to tell you to come home? I don't know what that means but he said he was super worried about you.

If Zack was worried something was up, I turned around and started back to the hotel. Hope Zack, Matt, and Rian don't mind having another roommate.

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