Chapter Three: Being The New Girl

Start from the beginning

"Uh, i'm Hayley, and I uh just moved here.", I tried to sound okay, I probaly sounded rediculous.

"Well, okay! You can sit down now", Mrs.Rugney said.

After that I kind of blacked out in my own world. I started dreaming about an angel again, it slowly brushes it figers- on your shoulder? What? Wait, this is real. I woke up and saw Drake staring at me.

"The bell just rang!", he looked like he was laughing a little bit.

"Oh.", I breathed.


I was walking to my next class when I saw some guy staring at me. He looked like a stronger, and scarier version of Drake. He winked at me and it made me want to run so, I just kind of walked faster to my next class, but then I felt a arm go around my waist. I knew it wasn't Drake because he makes me feel safe and this person was making feel anything, but safe.

I looked up and saw deep green eyes staring down at me and I kind of freaked out and tried to move out of his grip, but his arm just tightened on my waist. He was to strong so, I just stayed there being scared. It was the Drake look alike, but with small facial and body differences.

"Why are you trying to get away from me, darling?", he said in a smooth voice.

"Because I rather not have some strangers arm around me" I tried once again to be set free, but it was no use.

"I'm Eric, so i'm not a stranger.", he had a smirk on his lips, I bet he was real proud of himself.

"I don't care, just let go of me.", I said trying to escape again.

"Eric!", I heard someone yell.

Eric let go of me, but then looked to see who it was and he got really angry.

"What the hell do you want?", I saw Eric giving Drake the death stare as he said this.

"Don't ever touch her.", Drake said while giving Eric the same glare back, but worse.

"As if you'll do anything about it.", Eric said while laughing.

"I'll do more then you think.", Drake said with his teeth clenched.

"Oh, i get it. Ha-ha-ha, Shouldn't of let me find out. It just makes me want to even more.", Eric had the biggest and most proud smirk on his face.

He gets what? Shouldn't of let him find out what? Did I miss something? I was really confused.

"See you later, baby, because you defintaly will", Eric said as his winked at me then turned and smirked at Drake, then walked away.

I've never seen Drake so mad before, actually i've never saw him mad before, mean I did just meet him yesterday.

"Are you okay?", thats all I could think of asking.

"Yeah, I will be. Just watch out, okay? Don't get near him unless you absouloutly have to."

"Why?" this wasn't making any sense.

"I'll tell you one day, just listen to me okay?"

"Uh, okay?", I said.

This was slightly creepy, but for the most part I felt like I needed to know who this Eric dude was.


I walked to my next class and there was no more empty seats so, I sat next to this girl.

"Hey", she said to me while smiling. "I'm Lily."

"Hayley.", I said and smiled back at her.

"Your new, right?"

"Uh, yeah." I smiled.

"Why'd you move?", she asked politely. "You know if you don't mind me asking."

"Oh, um my dad died.", I looked down.

"Oh my god, i'm so sorry, I shouldn't of asked.", she looked tottaly sorry.

"Its okay, really it is.", I told her trying to make her feel better.

The rest of the class I just talked to her about stuff and she looked at my schedule. She said she had lunch the same time I did so, I could sit with her. Which I was glad because I rather not look like some loner.

The class was over pretty quit and before I knew it, it was lunch.

I sat down where Lily sat and there was one other girl, also two other boys.

"Hi, i'm Stacey.", the girl smiled at me.

"Hayley.", i smiled back.

"I'm Chris.", this cute boy said. He had blond hair and brown eyes.

"And i'm-",

"This is Zach!", Lily yelled laughing to her self.

"Your so mean Lily!", Zach said.

I laughed at his epression. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. A really pretty smile to.

I looked around the room and saw Eric staring at me. It just scared me a little. Hey, maybe they would know why Eric and Drake hate each other so much.

"Hey, do you guys know whats up with Eric and Drake?", I said looking over at Eric.

"Oh, Scary dude and handsom boy?" Chris said laughing.

"Uh, yeah?" I laughed.

"Their brothers, but something happened. I'm not sure what, but they just hate each other now for some reason.", Lily said.

"Twin brothers!", Stacey yelled.

"Oh, yeah right. I don't know how I forget that.", Lily laughed.

The day went really fast and I went home and saw my mom sitting down on the couch.

"How was school?"


With that I left and went to my room.

Nothing really happened, I just sat there on my bed thinking about why Eric and Drake hate each other so badly. Mean how could two brothers hate each other so much that they act like they don't have any relation between the two of them?

I soon fell alseep.



Please comment and vote!

Lol, I really would like some comments and votes before I do any other chapter.

Anywho, thanks for reading.


P.s. I tried to make it super long.:P

(I could of made it longer, but I thought it was to much to do in this chapter so, i'm keeping it for the next)

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