Chapter 3: I Didn't Faint...I Fell Down In A Manly Sort of Way

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Author's Note: It's been forever since I updated this story...or really any of my stories, but I'm here to update it now, so yeah. Aha, anyway, I hope you enjoy reading, and if you like the chapter, please give me some feedback. It stinks having so many reads and having like four comments. Anyway, if you even bothered to read this thank you, because I know most people don't. Also, for those of you that have yet to be introduced in the story don't worry. I promise you will be very soon.

::Chapter 3: I Didn't Faint...I Fell, In A Manly Sort of Way::

Katie didn't get that much sleep last night, her dreams being plagued with the memory of what had happened earlier that day. She couldn't understand why it had affected her so much. Sure, maybe she thought that she was in love with Ed, but that's just it, she thought she was in love with him, thinking you are, and actually being in love are complete and total different things.

"Hey Katie, you up?" Paige asked as she walked over to the bed that her best friend had been sleeping in, and sat down next to her as she sipped at the coffee she held in her hands.

Katie grunted in response, not wanting to get up just yet, if at all. She was exhausted. She was tired from the flight, but also not getting any sleep last night had a factor in the way she felt. She was far too tired to get up now, and the only way she would get out of bed now is if someone actually dragged her out, and forced her to wake up.

Paige sighed as she looked at the clock on the wall opposite of the bed. "Seriously Katie, if you don't get up you're going to miss your signing." Paige said as she shook the girl slightly.

"Then I won't go." Katie mumbled as she pulled the covers up over her head, and proceeded to try and get back to sleep, hoping she wouldn't be disturbed again.

Paige let out an irritated huff before she stood up and exited the room, leaving Katie to only wonder why she had given up so easily, but so long as she could continue to sleep, Katie didn't really care for the reasoning as to why her friend had let her be.

Katie let out a relaxed breath as she managed to get comfortable, and began to doze off again, only to be taken out of this peaceful state as Willow burst through the door, and stormed over to where she laid. "You have three seconds to get out of that bed, or I'll make you get out." Willow spoke in a tone that said 'she wasn't kidding.'

Katie frowned as she looked at her Manager, not knowing whether or not she should test if Willow was bluffing, or get out of bed like she asked. "Willow," Katie whined. "I'm exhausted! I don't want to go!"

"I don't care." Willow said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "If you don't go you'll disappoint your fans, and disappointed fans don't come to concerts, and when fans don't come to concerts we don't make money! Now get up!"

Katie sighed, and then threw the covers off of her and sat up. "Happy?" She questioned Willow, feeling irritated, and annoyed by the fact that she was being forced to go to this signing.

"Overjoyed," Willow replied just before she exited the room, being satisfied that she had managed to get her up.

Katie ran a hand through her unruly brown curls before she stood up and walked over to her bags looking for what she would be wearing to the signing, she still had no desire to go to. She did love her fans, but when it came to sleeping or seeing her fans, she would probably choose sleeping over her fans, well, as least when she was this tired.

Paige then took this time to return to the hotel room, an evil grin dancing across her lips as she looked at her dear friend. "Oh, looks like you decided to get up."

Katie frowned at Paige's comment. "I hate you."

Paige chuckled as she looked at her friend. "No you don't, you love me, and you know it." She said as she walked over to where Katie sat on the ground going through her bags. "Want me to help you pick out an outfit?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2013 ⏰

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