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I woke up happy to see my best friend he hasn't been here for the summer cause his mom but... That's none of my business. I got up picking up the clothes i got out last night, taking a shower then doing the rest of my hygiene. I put on my floral blue crop top, blue skinny jeans, and black Timberland's. I walked back into the bathroom putting on makeup, and put my hair into a messy ponytail while it was curly. I put on my ring, watch, diamond earrings, and grabbed my phone and backpack heading out my room. "CHRISSS!!" i yelled while walking down the stairs.

"What is you yelling my name for I'm right here" he said annoyed.

"To make you mad" i smiled then walked past him. I went into the cabinets getting a granola bar and in the refrigerator for a V8. He walked in making a stank face.

"You drink that" he said going to grab a soda.

"Uh... Yeah obviously" i said shaking the drink in front of his face. He smiled then grabbed his keys.

"Lets go before little girls get what they don't want" he said walking out into the living room by the door, i followed.

"And what is that" i asked walking out the door with him.

"You don't wanna know that either, Ma" he said going to his side opening the door. i opened mine and got in too when he started the car.

"Ok will you tell me later"

"Ima do more than just tell you" he mumbled but i still heard him. I left it alone then ate my granola bar while drinking my juice til we got to my school. i got half way out to hear, "Mmhpt..." i looked back to see him looking at my ass then he tried to turn away like he wasn't.

"Mhmm.. Have a nice ride home" i said smirking getting out all the way. He looked at me with a really nigga face on then drove off. i looked around to see no one outside the school so the bell must have rung already, as soon as i walked in I'm engulfed in a manly hug.

"Laya i missed you so much" he said. I finally realized by the cologne and deep voice who it was.

"Traylen!!" i screamed hugging back tight. He laughed laying his head on top of mine cause I'm tiny.

"What you doing being late already" he asked letting me go. I laughed.

"I didn't drive myself, okay"

"Okay did you get your schedule yet" he asked. I shook my head, "Me neither" we laughed then went to the office to get our schedules. We booth ended up with the same classes so we walked to our first class which was English.

"Hold on Tray" i said realizing something. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me.

"Whats wrong"

"Teeth" i said smiling. He looked at me then laughed.

"There fine now come on" he said then started walking.

"No your teeth are the vamps gone" i asked again.

"Yeah i told you i was fixing them when i left" he smiled to show me his perfect teeth.

"Ok" i said pouting a little i liked his vamps.

"Now come on Mrs. Herl ain't finna get on my head because of you" he laughed. I laughed to then we walked to her class to be yelled at.

"Your late Ms. Scott and Mr. Jackson" Mrs. Herl yelled sternly at us as we stopped waiting for the lecture.

"Well you better be lucky i even came, i could have stayed myself at home. But no i decided to come to your boring class listen to you talk about your husband and cats" Tray said to her while going to sit down in his seat. I laughed along with the rest of the class then went to my seat.

My babysitterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt