Chapter 1

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Original story: The story revolves around a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. In the and grim's version of the tale, she is named after the red / that she wears. The girl walks through the woods to deliver food to her sickly grandmother (wine and cake depending on the translation). In the version, she had the order from her mother to stay strictly on the path. But she comes across the bog bad wolf, he asks her for the food in her basket but she tells him no. Later on Red finds the wolf lying in her grandmother's bed dressed up as her. Red realizes this and screams, the hunter comes and kills the wolf causing him to throw back up her grandmother.

Dedicated to Contests-Rants

Red frolicked through the woods as she held her basket of food close to her, she was on her way to her grandmother. She usually never did any frolicking around the woods. Today was different, it was such a nice day that She couldn't just help herself. Red had arrived early to her grandmother's house than she had expected. She knocked on the front door of grandmother's home and was almost instantly greeted by her grandmother.

"Red.You're early." Her grandmother had stated. "I know, that isn't problem?" Red asked. "No, of course not." She had replied. "May I come in please?" Red asked. "Yes, come in darling." Her grandmother replied.

She stepped to the side of the door so that Red could come into the house. Red closed the door behind her as she came into the house. "You do realize that everytime you come to my house you always bring me something." Her grandmother told her. "And you do realize everytime I come by you either call me red or little red." Red stated.

"Well I don't have much of an option on what to call you. It's either your real name or your other two names." Her grandmother told her. "I know, but " Little Red " was the name that was given to me when I was a child, I am no longer a child." Red replied. "Does that mean I can call you by your actual name?" Her grandmother asked her.

"No, absolutely not. I hate my real name, it makes me sound like some delicate little flower." Red answered. "Well at the time, you were a delicate little flower. An innocent one as well." Grandmother stated. "I'm no longer that little innocent flower anymore, now here's your basket grandma." Red replied as she handed her grandmother the basket. "Thanks Red, I guess you'll be on your way now." Her grandmother had told her.

"I would stay, it's just that I don't want to end up having to leave in the middle of the night, my mother would get worried about me." Red stated. "Well, see you later darling." Her grandmother tells her. Red opens the door and says to her grandmother "See you later." Red begins her walk through the woods. Red was thinking about the possibility of having a new name. She wanted a name that represented power, strength, and dominance.

What name could possibly represent that? Red's thoughts were interrupted by the loud sound of huge footsteps coming her direction. It was dark and it was starting to get cold. Red had once been told by a friend that a huge beast wonders around the woods looking for it's next meal. Red never believed that, now she found herself heading the warning and walking at a faster pace. Red heard a loud growling sound coming from somewhere near her, the growling got closer and louder.

As Red got ready to run, something huge landed in front of her. She looked up straight up at the beast that stood before her. "The wolf." She whispered. "Red Riding Hood." The wolf replied. "So you're the beast that everyone fears." Red said with a fearless expression. "You're not afraid?" The wolf asked her. "Should I?" Red replied with a question. "What's your real name, "Little Red." The Wolf asked eagerly. "Lilith." Red answered. "Lilith, what a lovely name. Do you know the true meaning of your name? " The wolf replied.

"What's with all the questions? Shouldn't I be dead by now?" Red asked. "You have me intrigued. Your share the name of a demon from folklore, her name meant night. In my opinion she was powerful." The wolf told her. "What are you trying to say?" Red asked. "What is something that you truly want?" The wolf asked her. Red didn't have any clue to why she was just standing there talking to the beast and not running. "Power, Strength, and respect." She answered . "The only way to get the thing you desire is to become the true meaning of your name." The wolf stated. "How do you suppose I do that?" She asked him. "I am no she-demon." She stated. The wolf turned his back on her.

"Hello, it's rude to turn your back on someone when they're talking to you." Red yelled. "The first step to becoming the person you desire you must forget everything about your old self and become the thing that everyone fears." The wolf told her with his back still turned. "What does that mean ?" Red asked. The Wolf started to growl with his deep voice. He began to turn around to face red, Red quickly took a step back away from him. Then she started to run, he followed right after her. Red was quick but not quick enough, the wolf jumped high and came down on Red.

Red screamed loudly as the wolf bit down on her neck and dugged his claws into her flesh. Red tried to get up but he was too strong, he had easily overpowered her. Red knew it was pointless to fight, all Red could do was lay helplessly on the ground as she was being mauled by the wolf. No matter how loud she screamed, no one heard her and no one had came to her aid.

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