An Old Friend (Rap Monster x reader)

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We stood in line biting our tongues and fanned ourselves. Most of us have been here for hours waiting for them; BTS our favorite group. We aren't just fans or fangirls, we are a family. A army at that.

I clenched my picture of the group closer to my chest, my mind picturing thousands possibly million different senerios of what could happen when I talk to him. You see, just recently I've heard a lot of people telling me to check out this group called BTS. They say, they're the best of the best, so I decided to do a little research and turns out they're not have bad.

As I picked my bias (which was really hard to do) I relaized that one of the members looked extremely similar to my childhood friend. Turns out it was my high school bestie and crush Namjoon.

So now I'm here standing in line with a bunch of other people waiting for them. My mind still raced with questions that might never be answered by just waiting around. If I'm going to make Namjoon remember me I'm going to have to talk to him. What if he doesn't recognize me?

He has to.

Squeals and screeches filled the room along with bright flashing white camera lights. They were here, one by one the boys walked on to stage waving at the crowd. Then there he was Namjoon, I felt my heart jump around in my chest as I straightened out the now slightly crumpled up paper. I kept taking deep breathes until it was my turn. I smiled sweetly at the boys until I got to him.

"Hello" He smiled goofingly.
"H-Hi Namjoon." I said as I watched him write his name, "so um, I've listening to some of your orignal songs, you're really good."
Namjoon smiled greatfully and shifted confidently in his chair, like a kid who just got a lollipop for doing a good job "Thank you."

"Do you remember our sophomore year when you wrote your fist rap song and you showed me on the rooftop during lunch? "

He looked up me curiously "How do you know that? You said our sophomore year.."

"I'm offended that you don't remember me. Honestly has it been that long Nami?" I asked while biting the inside of my cheek. You know that moment when you have a break through? Well Namjoon had one of those, when he released who I was he almost jumped out of his chair luckily he remembered where we were and decided not to.
"(Y/n)?" He asked in shock

I laughed and shurgged "took you long enough." I joked

"How have you been!? I haven't seen you in forever!" He set down the pen and looked at me in amazement. I felt my heart skip a beat as he stared at me, I missed those cheeky eyes of his and his dorky smile.

"I've been alright but how about you now that you're all famous and-"

A girl behind me cleared her throat annoyingly. I cursed in my head and shot her a look, she shot one back, "thank you Rap Monster." I smiled cutely, thankfully he caught on and and finished signing my paper handing it back to me, he pointed to his dimples and smiled.

I sat back down in my seat that was next to the wall replaying what happened in my head smiling like a fool, I turned the paper over and noticed a phone number with with a heart on the side. I tried my best not to scream right then and there. I JUST GOT RAP MONSTERS PHONE NUMBER! Every so often I caught him looking at me, not that minded though.

《Thank you everyone for reading I hope you enjoyed it.♡♡♡》

BTS One-Shots On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara