Welcome to the Family... Again (Synyster Gates) 30

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Ok the end is finally here!!!!! But there is a sequel!!!! So please keep reading on!!! Because the sequel I have a Ton of ideas for!!!!

Oh don't kill me for the cliff hanger!!!!!

So without further delay!!!!! Here it is!!!!


Rory's POV

I stood there in complete shock, looking at my mother. My heart was beating in my chest so hard, I'm sure my mother could hear it.

It's funny, you plan something out down to every last detail. But the moment when it comes to acting it out, you freeze.

"Lorelei? Have you finally come back to me?" she smirked. Her evil smile making my skin crawl.

I just stood there, not saying anything. There was a million things running through my head, but no words came out of my mouth.

"what's the matter Lorelei?" she started walking closer. Just as a response, I started to slowly back up.

"what's the matter?" I stuttered restating her question.

"yes, why are you here?" her eyes glared down at me.

"I want you to leave us alone forever" i glared at her finally getting the strength to talk to her.

"oh you know I can't do that now, come on where's the fun in that" she laughed which sent shivers done my spin.

"why not, I'll sign my songs over. Then you can leave me alone" this time I stepped closer to her, trying to feel in control.

"I don't need your songs anymore, I have a better plan" I swallowed the lump in my throat as soon as I heard that.

"a better plan?" I questioned raising my eyebrow.

"well you are pregnant with that scum bags baby aren't you?" my heart started racing faster, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

I didn't even realize that my body had started walking backwards again, until I abruptly hit the wall. All my mother did was laugh, taking her seat on the bed.

"how the fuck do you know that?" I stared at my mother, watching every single move that she made. I didn't trust her, no matter how calm she seemed.

"oh Lorelei can't, grandma know about her own grandchild." she chuckled. It almost made me sick, the way she called herself grandma.

There's absolutely no chance in fucking hell, she will ever see our child.

"don't flatter yourself, that's never going to happen." I smirked

"I already have papers being drawn up Lorelei. As soon as you give birth, I'll be right there serving you these papers. Awarding me custody of your child." my mouth hung open unable to think of anything coherent to say.

There was really nothing to say, this bitch is planning on taking our baby away from us. She couldn't get much lower then that.

"you can't fucking do that, your such a cold hearted bitched!" I spat, hatred now coursing threw my veins.

Syn's POV

"Hurry the fuck up!!!" I yelled as I slammed my hands onto the steering wheel. Good why are people so fucking slow!!!!

Welcome to the Family.....Again (Synyster Gates) ~Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now