My Saviour

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Alexandrias POV:

I was shocked, I just stood there, I didn't know what to think, The Mother of Dragons spoke high valerian!

The Mother of Dragons: I promise you that I won't let him hurt you, is he your master?

I nodded

The Mother of Dragons: He still does not know that I speak your language we can use that to our advantage, now what is your name?

Alaxandria: Alexandria your grace.

The Mother of Dragons: Please, call me Daeneryous.

I just looked up at her and stated wide eyed, I had never known such kindness.  She lifted my chin to look at her and smiled the kindest smile I had ever seen.

Dany: Don't worry I will get you out of here, just play along and whatever you do do not elude to the fact that I speak high valerian.

I smile at her and then look back down.

Master Godwim: Your grace is this pathetic creature bothering you?

Dany: No not at all, and how dare you speak about her in that manner, she is a person just like you!

Master Godwim: I highly doubt that your grace but whatever you say.

I could just hear the fury in Danys voice.

Dany: Well...Sir would you please take me to your army of the unsullied there is no time to waste.

The venom in her voice was quite clear and I just hope that it shook Master Godwim to the core.

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