Life as a Slave

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Alexandrias POV:
It was a typical day.  I awoke to the screaming of my masters, the demands of their wives, and got to work.  I always wished for a day where I could sleep till I woke up naturally.

I walked down the halls made of gold silk, the sun trying to peep through the curtains of the finest tapestry silk.  I always felt so out of place in my chains and ragged clothing.

I finally made it to my masters throne room where I could only imagine what he had in store for me today.

Master Gotwim: There you are you little worm, how many times must I screech your name through the halls!?

Alexandria: Very sorry Master, it was very wrong of me indeed.
(This is all being said in valerian)

Master Gotwim: In a few days time, I am told that Danerius Targaryian will be on our shores, she wants to buy the unsullied soldiers.

Alexandria: And what would you like me to prepare master?

Master Gotwim: Prepare!?  You think that I would let you near the Mother of Dragons!?  NO!  I have called you to tell you that if you even so much as breath a word to her, you will wish that you were only getting a whipping.

I nod my head and bow out of the room as always but not before Master Gotwim gives me the three lashes of shame.

You would think after being a slave got 18 years i would have gotten used to the pain of a lash, but it only hurts all the more. 

The new lashes from the whip only tarnish the old scars of past whippings.  The scar tissue peeling away. 

I only hope that the Mother of Dragons burns this whole city to the ground!  With me inside!

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