The Mother of Dragons

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Alexandrias POV:
Today was the day of The Mother of Dragons arrival. I was excited and yet terrified, for I knew that if I so much as breathed in her direction I would be ended.

I walked to my masters throne room as usual, I bet he had some form of special punishment for me today.  I walked into his throne room of woven golden silk and looked up into his harsh brown eyes, his eyes often reminded me of those of a snake.

Master Gotwim: Ah there you are you little bug, I have only called you here to remind you of what we discussed the other day.....not a word to The Mother of Dragons, unfortunately you have to come with me to greet her, but I warn you girl, any slip ups, and your pathetic little life will cease to excise.

I nodded careful not to stare directly into his eyes, as I feared I would be turned to stone. 

He got up from his elegant throne and started to walk out of the room towards the docks, me trailing behind him, as well as five unsullied soldiers.

Once we arrived we were greeted by a Dothraki hourde, I was terrified yet fascinated, I had only ever read about the Dothraki but I never dreamed of meeting a Kahlisar in person. 

And then there she was, in all her glory, The Mother of Dragons.  She was just as beautiful as I had imagined her, her face was strong but I could tell that there was a heart of gold hidden behind her beautiful garb of ocean blue valerian silk.

Master Godwim: The Mother of Dragons.

He bowed before her.

Master Godwim: May I say what an honor it is to meet you, my lady.

The Mother of Dragons: Please Sir, I have only come to look at your many unsullied, would you please escort us in that direction?

Master Godwim nodded and had the Kalesar follow him to where all the unsullied were kept.

The Mother of Dragons: How many do you have to sell?

Master Godwim: 8000 my lady.

I see The Mother of Dragons look over at what seems to be her body guard and conscience.

The Mother of Dragons: I take it these men are not treated as well as they could be.

Master Godwim turns to me and whispers to me in valerian
"I notice you looking at The Mother of Dragons, and I can tell that you want to tell her the truth, but I warn you whore one word, that's all it takes."

I nod and shiver to his voice full of poison and hate.

The Mother of Dragons: Who is this young woman and what did you just whisper to her?

Master Godwim: She is no one your grave and I was merely telling her not to get in your way, she is trouble that one.

I see The Mother of Dragons stare at me with kindness in her eyes.

The Mother of Dragons: Young lady, pray tell me, what is your name?

I look at Master Godwim who gives me an icy stare that seems to say "one word and it's over"

Seeing this I look down at the ground and shake my head.

I hear footsteps and see that they are now in front of me, i see them kneel and then the face of The Mother of Dragons appears kneeling down to see my face.

The Mother of Dragons: I promise you no harm will come to you.

I widen my eyes in response......she speaks high valerian.

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