Sailing to Slavers Bay

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Danys POV:
We have been sailing for months, we were heading to Slavers Bay to perhaps purchase the Unsullied.  I could only imagine the horrors of a place called Slavers Bay.

I see Ser Jorah looking at me with a puzzled look.

Ser Jorah: Kahleesi, you seem troubled.

I sigh and just watch as my dragons dive in and out of the crystal blue water, catching fish in their mighty talons.

Ser Jorah: Kahleesi, the more soldiers we have the better chance we have of claiming the Iron Throne.

Dany: They are not soldiers, they are slaves!

Ser Jorah: But you can change that!  You can improve their lives, give them food and shelter.

Dany: But Gods knows how many other slaves are also inside, not just soldiers but the civilians as well!

I sigh and continue to look out at the sea again.

Dany: It's too beautiful a day to argue.

Ser Jorah sighs and nods, then we just continue to look out at ocean, the ocean carrying us to the horrors of Slavers Bay.

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