Chapter 3 ║ We're Moving?

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I realize he didn't delete the photo and run after him, after saying goodbye to Mr. Collins. The whole reason for this mess was this stupid photo. I'm not leaving till he deletes it.

I run to catch up to him and tackle him to the ground. We were the only ones in the hallway since everyone already left. 

"Are you fucking crazy?" he asks, groaning in pain .

"Delete the picture," I say, getting straight to the point. I want to go home safe and sound, knowing that the picture wouldn't haunt me and Austin wouldn't be able to blackmail me anymore. 

"Alright, I will, but you need to get off of me first. As much as I love having girls on top of me, I can't move like this," he smirks. I blush, not realizing that I was on top of him since my mind was on the photo. 

I quickly scrambled to my feet and Austin momentarily follows in suit. He takes out his phone and deletes it in front of me. A huge grin forms on my face, instantly. This is the happiest I felt today. He couldn't bother me anymore.

The thought immediately vanishes as quickly as it arrived. Knowing Austin's reputation, he could do anything. I shiver in fear and decide not to involve myself with him anymore. It's not like I did in the first place.

We both walk out of school, me walking a few feet behind him. Austin walks over to his car while I make my way to the bus stop. Before I could make it far, Austin's voice stops me in my track.

"Babe, just because you saw me delete the photo doesn't mean I don't have it." I stare at him in confusion, telling him to continue. "I sent the photo to myself," he says.

I stand there speechless. I should've known he'd pull something like this. "Why?" I manage to ask.

He rolls his eyes as if I asked a pointless question. "Well if I need anything from you again, I have something to use against you. Plus, you looked hot babe," he shouts, before driving away. 

My mind is in a state of rage and fury. I did not just sit and do his entire lab for this to happen. I'm going to take him down. He better say his farewells because he won't live to see another day after tomorrow. I can finally make use of my two months of karate. 


By the time I set foot on my front porch, it's already 6 in the afternoon. It takes a while to get home because I live so goddamn far, but I'm used to the long commute. 

When I step foot inside my house, I see the lights on. They were never on. 

Fuck. It's my father. He's the only person it could be unless someone's breaking in. I smack myself mentally, knowing it's most likely my father. 

I take a deep breath, preparing for the worst. My father and I haven't got along in the past five years. 

I make my way towards the living room and I immediately make eye contact with my father. My body shivers in fear, but I scold myself, trying to stay strong.

"Why are you here?" I question. "Y-you never come home unless you need something," I stutter, failing to keep a brave front.

My father looks at me with disgust evident in his eyes. "Why are you late?" he questions, ignoring my question.

"I had to finish something for a class," I reply, only giving out as little information as possible. It's not like he actually cares.

"I didn't raise a daughter like this," he yells, causing me to flinch. "You were probably out with a guy. There's no room for a slut in this house," he finishes. 

My mind goes into a frenzy, rage consuming me. How can he say that to me? He gave up on me a long time ago, so why should he have a say in who I hang out with? And calling me a slut on top of that? He's the one that never comes home. Who knows what he's been doing? 

I take a deep breath, deciding this wasn't worth losing my temper over. I turn to walk over to my room, but my father's voice stops me. 

"Don't you dare walk out on me like that," he yells. I whip my head around to glare at him which he ignores. "Pack all you things. We'll be living in a different house tomorrow," he says. We're moving? More like I'm moving to live in a different house.

I realize what moving means. "What about my school and my friends? You can't just tell me to get up and move," I protest.

My father rolls his eyes at my pathetic protest. "I can and I will. We will be moving closer to your school so you will still attend your current school," he states, causing me to sigh in relief. My school was my sanctuary and leaving that place and my two friends would break me even further. 

My father walks over to me and hands me a card with some writing on it. I stare at it in confusion. "That's the address. Make sure that's where you go tomorrow," he says, leaving the living room afterwards.

My shoulders relax once he left the room. I was happy to move closer to school, but I was hoping my father would also change. 

I walk into my room and turn the lights on to see the mess displayed around me. "This is going to take some time," I mutter.


I finish packing and stuffing my room into boxes a two hours later. There's so many things I found that I didn't know existed in my room. 

I decide to head up to the attic afterwards. The attic's more like a musician's dream. It was full of all sorts of instruments, from a piano to a violin. It was my mom's room; she was in love with music itself. After she left, no one dared to come up here much less play anything.

I reach the attic and my heart twist in pain. It was still the same before she was gone. I could see her figure sitting by the piano and reciting a song, her melodious voice filling the room. 

I fell in love with music because of my mom. She taught me how to play the piano when I turned seven. It's the best gift anyone has ever gave me; the gift of music. Anytime I played, I was in another world and felt free. However, I haven't touched the piano or any other instrument since she left.

I walk over to the piano and stare at it's beautiful keys. A thin layer of dust cover them. I could feel my fingers twitching to touch it, but I can't move them to. I look around at the other instruments laying all over the room and smile. There's many memories this place holds. I wonder if my father will move all this to the new house. There's no way we can leave this behind. 

I decide to head back down to my room to study a few minutes later. I end up going to bed without eating dinner. 

As I lay in bed, I look around my room. This house was full of both good and bad memories. I had the best of days here as well as the worsts of days. No matter what, this will always be my home.

I yawn, drowsiness taking over my body. "I miss you," I whisper, before darkness consumes me.


third chapter rewritten and done! this took forever for some reason haha. i hope it's not as bad as before if you read the old version, but you do not need to read the new version if you read the old one. the main stuff is still the same (:

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