Ch.27 Pancakes and Truths.

Start from the beginning

"I said I love you" she repeated while looking at me intently. Her eyes are telling me that she really meant what she just said.

She pinned my arms on top of my head and started kissing my neck. I moaned, her kisses still makes my body tremble in pleasure.

"This is wrong Ginger, please" I pleaded between gasping. I don't know if my voice is convincing enough or what.

"Make love with me... please" she said with pleading eyes, her eyes full of passion and love.

I don't want her begging just to make love with me. I know to myself that I really want it, that only she can make me so much happy and contented, I know that I will hurt Emman again if I allow her but my feelings for her is overflowing right now.

I can't hide it anymore, I want her right now right here on my bed. I don't care what happens tomorrow, what's important is the person on top of me right now.

So with that I nodded in response, she smiled at me before leaning closer and started kissing me passionately again.

We're kissing like there's no tomorrow for us, she removed the lace of my negligee slowly, my hands are already free but I didn't bother to make a move. I'm just letting her do what she wants until she's satisfied.

I woke up at exactly nine in the morning, it's my body clock, no matter how late I slept the other night I always wake up at nine. I stretched my hands and yawned but I almost choke when I remember what happened last night.

"Oh my..." I glanced to my side immediately and saw Ginger naked as well.

I groaned to myself.

"What have I done again" I said before tapping my forehead. Last night was wonderful but again, it's a total mistake.

"I'm so sorry Emman" I mumbled before standing up slowly to avoid waking her up.

I put on my clothes silently and headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast for us. I smiled when I remember she said that she still loves me. I giggled, I am acting like a high-school girl right now and I can't myself not to.

I still love her though I can't tell if it's as strong as her love for me, And I love her father too. I sighed heavily before shaking my head to erase the thought. Emman is not here yet, so Ginger and I still have three more weeks to enjoy each others company and for me to think.

I decided to cook pancake because it's been a while since I'm craving for it. I don't know how much time I already spent from preparing the ingredients, I was about to put the pancake that I already cooked on the plate when I saw her sitting on the chair while her face resting on her both hands.

"Hey morning" I greeted her smiling.

She didn't respond, she's just looking at me intently. I suddenly felt embarrassed so I turned around to hide it, her gaze is making me uncomfortable because I don't know what she's thinking right now.

I returned my focus on cooking the remaining pancakes afterwards.

"Fudge!" I exclaimed in shock when I felt her hands on my waist. My body tensed up when she started kissing my earlobe. I pretended not to care and continued cooking but my hands are shaking because of the tingling sensation that she's giving me.

" you want pancakes?" I said stuttering.

"Hmmm" She responded while kissing my neck. I'm biting my lower lip to stop myself from moaning.

I frowned when she turned the stove off and stopped what she's currently doing, she moved away from me afterwards. I'm a bit upset but I'm not gonna tell her that.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now