Chapter 2: Crying Silently

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Next thing I know I'm strolling along the path after Mary and I go our separate ways. I take my time heading back to my apartment and ignore the garden once I pass it in daylight for no one can see me lingering beside the rocks suspiciously. The rusty front door creaks after I thrust it open, not thinking twice about cooking my self dinner because Tyler will be absent for majority of the night.

As I read the newspaper I hear the door slam shut and a presence shadows the room. He stares at me with furiously droopy eyes. "When were you going to tell me about sneaking out late of a night?" Tyler utters loudly tripping over his own feet. I am at a lost for words

"What are you talking about?" I stutter nervously.

"Mary's father told me that you sneak out to get away from me. What exactly are you doing on this getaway of yours?" He starts to yell, irritated.

"Tyler you have to believe that I never leave this house without your permission, that's been our rule from the get go," I state, shuffling my chair.

"I don't know who to believe!" he shouts, charging towards me and ripping my head back by grasping my brown hair. I wince in pure agony. "Tell me the truth, Lily. Tell me!" he yells directly in my ear, purposely making my eardrum explode like a volcano erupting.

I hold my hands up for mercy. "Tyler! why would I lie to you?" I raise my voice.

"Why wouldn't you?" he replies spitefully. I roll my eyes as he pants trying to look for a sign of my deception. I can tell he thinks I'm guilty but he can't a hundred percent tell if I'm lying or not, He clutches his hands before he attempts to slap me across the face in all of his confusion and fury but I duck my head before he can harm me. As my head comes back up his hand slams my small head against the wooden table and my heart crawls up my throat pounding against my brain as my forehead vibrates profusely.

I begin to scream as he grabs the collar of my shirt, pulling me up towards the table and thrashing me against it. I try to catch my breath as he smothers his lips against mine, "Stop Tyler, stop!" I yell, sobbing, and spitting in his face. I am sick of the little respect I receive from him, but my actions do not stop him. They push him even further and the only thing I can possibly do is lie there patiently, crying silently, giving him what he wants and waiting for him to finish his nightly deed.

Every bone and muscle contained in my body aches as I wake up from fainting. On the dirty kitchen ground I lie coiled up in a little ball, afraid of the world one day seeing me so vulnerable and useless.

I press my palm to my forehead, wiping the sweat away, trying to regroup my thoughts and my instincts. My hands fall to the ground and I try to pick myself up slowly. I gradually pick one knee up and all of a sudden shooting pains increase in the pit of my stomach. Once I attempt to pick the other one up, I lose my balance and fall to the ground in disappointment. What's the use? there's no where to go anyway... Out of the blue, that's how it happened, that's how I got the epiphany. Out of all the places in the world why am I here? and what am I still doing here?.

Motivated, I attempt to get up again, one leg at a time and even though the pain was excruciating I ignored it. I was walking on two feet and I couldn't believe it. In my condition i'm probably not even suppose to walk around, let alone stand up, but I can't give up. I have to leave this monstrous person behind. As a human everyone should receive love, but in my case i'm just the unfortunate one.

As I pack my bag I start to think about Mary, how could she tell her father something like this?

She knew this was personal information that I didn't want to share in the first place. She's the only person I ever talk to about him and she threw it all away, just so her drunk father can blurt it out to my drunk father.

What was the point Mary?

I tie my hair up in a loose bun, grab my bag and slowly creep to the door. As I get to the front door I hear another door behind me open, I turn around quickly checking for any sign of movement, Nothing. I turn around and reach for the door nob but a hand slaps the door shut right next to my face. I start to shake remembering our encounter from last night, "What do you think your doing?" He asks aggressively.

I stay quite because no excuse would be good enough for this question. "Get to your room and unpack what ever you packed!" he shouts pounding his fist against the door. I nod walking back to my room and once he stops guarding the door to head into the kitchen, I bolt.

Don't look back Lily, I reach for the door nob and feel two strong arms wrap around me. I resist on him making me stay, so I fight back, kicking and punching. My fist uppercuts him in the jaw as I turn around for a split second, he drops me tripping backwards and falling over. "Don't ever touch me again," I say sternly and I run straight out of the door.

I rush past the sweet pea bushes and stop at the garden, while rummaging for the note, my fingers get scorched by the burnt rocks. The paper rips as I pull it quickly out and my eyes start to water at the sight of my mistake. Trying to take my mind off of the note, I power walk down the narrow street eventually finding myself in the middle of town after walking for an hour or so and there was no Tyler in sight which was an extreme relief.

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Love graycloudss

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