Chapter 27

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Mikaelas POV: When i woke up I realized that Nash wasn't by me and i got up carefully and walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I walked back into the Living room and sat on the couch and watched AHS. Its legit my favorite show. Nash came in and sat next to me. We sat and watched AHS for a little bit and then he grabbed my hand and rubbed it.

"How are your ribs?" He asked, looking at me.

"They're okay. I'll live." I said smiling back. Today was saturday and we have nothing going on. "Hey, do you want to go to the zoo today?" I asked him getting up. He looked at me confused.

"Mikaela, you can barley even walk around the house."He said. I glared at him.

"I can walk just fine. Lets go!" I said grabbing my phone, wallet and the car keys. He groans and follows me.

"I get to drive though!"He yelled. I tossed him the keys and we got in the car. I looked up how long it would take to get there.

"About 1 hour and 45 mins it said." I told him. He nodded and drove. We listened to music and stuff on the way there. I eventually looked up about how much it would be to get in. For an adult its freaking 15 dollars. One adult.

"Do you have like 10 dollars so we can get in? It will be 30 dollars for us both to get in. I just need 10 dollars." I asked Nash. He turned the music off and slammed his hands against the wheel, which made me jump.

"Why the hell didn't you plan out the money first?!" She screamed at me. I sunk in my seat. "Huh?? Why didn't you?!" he yelled.

"I'm sorry. I just needed 10 dollars. But i can come up with it i guess." I said

"No! Here, fucking take it!" He yelled at me throwing the 10 at me. I put it with the money ao we could get in and it made for an awkward last half-n-hour of a car ride. Once we got there, he took my wallet anf paid for us to get in and didn't give my wallet back. We got our wrist bands and we explored the zoo.

"Nash! Look at the monkeys!!" I said to him. He looked over and "smiled." We continued to walk around and all of a sudden we got bombarded with fans. Taking pictures, pushing into me, and hitting my ribs.

I had to walk away and when Nash was done with the fans he came back over and grabbed me arm and we ran out back to our car. We got in and he sat there. He didn't start the car or anything.

"Why did you think this was a good idea?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"Its a weekend. We had nothing to do." I said. He groaned and hit the wheel and started the car. He turned the music on really loud so no one could talk. When we got back home, he ran inside. I walked in after him and he was standing in the living room going through my wallet.

"What the hell are you doing?" i asked. He turned around and had a 20 in his hands.

"You had to ask me for money when you had this?!" He yelled. I nodded.

"Yeah. Because maybe i wanted to get you or someone something. I said. He groaned and put the 20 back and threw my wallet at me. He went to his room and i was still in the living room.

I got a notebook and wrote a note saying that i went home to hang out with Heather. After i wrote that i went home and called Heather to see what she's doing and asked if we could hang out. She told me to meet her at the park.

I walked to ghe park to meet up witb Heather. I got there first and was waiting for her. I saw her walk up and we started walking together.

"So what have you been up to today?" She asked.

"Me and Nash went to the zoo." I said.

"Ooohhh. Sounds fun." She said and laughed. I awkwardly laughed with her. She looked at me. "What happened?" She asked. I sighed.

"I asked to borrow 10 dollars so we could get in and he totally freaked out on me. Didn't even care for the zoo. Got pissed at me cause apparently its my fault he got bombarded by fans. In the car after he freaked out again. And when we got home he went through my wallet and then threw it at me." I told her. She looked at me worried.

"Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded. "Good." she said. I smiled. We walked around and hung out for a long time. It got really latw so we decided to go home. I went to my house and walked inside and didn't see my dad. But I did see Jack and he got up and gave me a hug.

"Hey, imma go up to my room okay?" I told him and he nodded. I walked to my room and grabbed my laptop. I opened it and went to google. My fingers hovered the keys. Then I finally typed "What is an abusive relationship?"

Woah. A freaking update?!?! Wow. Im gonna try to update more ig. Sorry i haven't updated in forever. If you guys want, you should ADD ME ON SNAPCHAT!!! My user is: mikaela.nash
😊😊thanks for reading.  Vote and comment!!

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