Chapter 26

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Mikaelas POV: I woke up in my bed and decided to text Nash.

To Nash
"Ready for school today?"

From Nash
"Hahahaha No."

I laugged and got out of bed and hopped in the shower for like 7 minutes. I got out, and put clean clothes on and did my make-up. After i was done I grabbed my phone off the charger and went downstairs. I saw Jack on the couch trying not to fall back asleep.

"Jack. Im gonna eat then I'll be ready to leave." I said and he groaned and nodded. I went into the kitchen and made some cereal. After I finished eating i grabbed my bag and phone and told Jack that im readt to leave. He got up and we went out to the car. He started the car and drove off to school. When we arrived Nash and Kassie were waiting for me.

"Heyy" Kassie said. I smiled at her and she went to go hug me but Nash went in front of her and hugged me first. I laughed and she glared at him.

"Hey! That was mine!" She yelled.

"Well shes mine!" He laughed and kissed me.

"I can do that to!" She said and kissed my cheek. I laughed at their little arguments all the time. Kassie said bye and me and Nash went to my locker. I was grabbing my books when Jack came up to us.

"Did you ever thank Johnson for the other night?" He asked. I looked at him wide-eyed and grabbed hin and went around the corner.

"Shush. Nash doesn't know!" I whispered.

"I don't know what?" He asked. Jack looked at him and then me. He patted my face.

"Good luck little sis." He said. I glared at him and he walked away.

"Mikaela. What happened?" He asked. I sighed and went to my locker.

"So. The other night. Jack brought me to a party but I got bored and there were bad people and crazy crap going on and I decided to leave. So i was leaving and this, this creep comes up to me and attacked me. Like he was a perv. He tried dragging me into his car but Johnson tackled him. I was still shooken up with what had happened so he screamed at me to go home. So i got home and i forgot Jacks keys so i sat outsidd and Johnson came to my house and texted Jack and he came home and let me in." I said. He looked at ne in shock.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded

"Yeah, exept for some bruising on my ribs and wrists but im alright." I said. He looked at me and grabbed my wrists pulling my sleve up.

"Mikaela, these looke severe!" He said and then lifted my shirt to see my ribs. I pulled my shirt down. "Mikaela. You could have a broken rib." i laughed.

"Nash. I'm okay. The last thing i need is to be asked questions about everything." I said and he nodded. I smiled and we walked to our classes. We got into our first hour and I saw Taylor. Nash went to his seat and i walked over to mine. Taylor came over to me and jabbed my in the rib.

"Fuck Taylor. Get off of me." I told him. He laughed.

"Do you have a bruise there?" He asked. I shook my head no. Cause if I tell him yes he knows where hit it the most. "I think you do." he said and kept pushing harder on ny ribs. It feels like im being stabbed in the lung. Literally. I pushed his hand off of me and had to catch my breath. "Whats wrong?" He smirked and ended up punching my in the same spot. I flinched and he walked away. I sat down in my spot and held my ribs. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up and saw Nash.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No I'm not. Can you help my to the nurse?" I asked. He nodded and told the teacher what we were doing. He helped me up and i put my hand around his waist to help me walk. We got to the nurse and i sat on a chair.

"What can I do for you today." She asked me.

"I have a bruise on my rib and it really hurts and i um hit it today going to my first hour and it really hurts to breathe." I said and she asked to see it. She layed me down on a bed and looked at the bruise. She pushed on it and i flinched back.

"I'm sorry. You're gonna have to go to the hospital. Do you have someone who can bring you?" She asked. Nash nodded and told her that he would. We signed out and Nash carried me to the car.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded. He put me in the car and than drove to the hospital. When we got to the hospital we got out and he had to help me inside. We got in and checked in and almost like 3 minutes later we got called. We went back to the room and the doctor had me lay down on the chair thing.

"Okay, lift your shirt up and let me see where it hurts." I lifted it up to just under my boob and he lightly pushed on my rib. I flinched and he nodded and kept pushing. He pushed to hard on one which made me shoot up.

"Nope that hurt!" I said really loud.

"Okay. We are gonna send you down to the x-rays and see your ribs." He said and gave me a yellow peice of paper. We walked down there and signed in and I waited to be called back.

"Mikaela?" I heard a dude ask. I got up and walked into the room. He haf my lay down on the table and lift my shirt. He took 3 x-rays and then sent us back. When we got back to the room, the doctor looked at thw x-rays.

"Hmm. It's okay but its going to be sore. Just ice it and wrap it with this." He said handing me a wraping thing m i nodded and he left.

"Should we do it now?" Nash asked and I nodded. I lifted my shirt, again, and Nash wrapped the thing around my chest. When he was done we walked out and went home. When we got inside we went to the living room and layed doen and fell asleep to AHS.

Hey guys. I haven't updated in FOREVER. So heres a little update for you hahs. Hope you like it

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