Yandere! Germany X Reader

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(The picture nor Hetalia or any of its characters belong to me, unfortunately. Also for this I'll be trying to do Germany's accent, though if that's unwanted I won't do it in future stories.)

You huffed, quite out of breath from the extensive running you had been doing. Your (e/c) eyes peered into the the darkness, as you backed into a wall. This caused you to give a small swear under your breath. Well, at least he couldn't come up behind you like this.
"Oh, Frau? Vhere did jou go?" His voice echoed through the halls. He didn't sound the same, and it sent fearful shivers down your back. You really just wanted the old Germany back, why was this happening? It all made no sense...

*Flashback to this morning*

You ran down the hall toward the room in which this month's World Conference was being held in. You were the country of (c/n) and you were nearly late. Which is why you were running.
You finally reached the conference room, and pulled open the door, receiving a few stares from other countries. Specifically Germany, you gave an apologetic smile as his icy blue gaze landed upon you. You slowly took your seat as the German stared at you without a word, strange, usually he would've scolded you for being late by now.
"Alright, now zhen, let's continue with the meeting." Germany said, which started an eruption of chatter among the other countries, typical. You then started to daydream, nothing like a good daydream while everyone else argues. Though, a sharp calling of your country name broke you out of your stupor.
"(C/n)! May I talk to you outside zhe conference room?" Germany asked, though it sounded more demanding, as he turned to you.
Strange, he didn't usually ever ask to meet talk to you in private. Though you nodded and stood up.
"Uh, yeah sure." You answered in reply, before heading toward the door.
"Gut, I vill meet jou zhere in just a moment." The German said before you exited. You stood against the wall opposite to the door, rocking on your heals slightly. You weren't sure why Germany was taking so long... Maybe he had to say something to the other countries first? But you got even more confused as the voices inside started to get muffled and quieter... Until silence.
That's when Germany exited, his hands held behind his back in a simple way. You raised one of your brows in a questioning look, as if silently asking what he did. Though he seemed to ignore the look as he spoke.
"So you were late today." He stated bluntly, before asking. "Why?"
"Er-... Well yeah, I'm really sorry... I just kind of forgot there was a meeting today..." You admitted, though you didn't add you were lazing around playing on your (phone/fav console) until you realized there was a meeting like ten minutes before you had to go.
"Oh I zee, so jou forgot did jou? I may just have to punish jou for that." Germany said, bending over, getting his face closer to yours. You could feel your face start to heat up and you gulped slightly, starting to back away from the German. He was starting to make you nervous.
"W-wait.. Punishment?!" You squeaked out.
Germany straightened back up, narrowing his blue eyes.
"I don't appreciate it vhen people are late to meetings (Y/n), nor do I appreciate when people try to get away from me, especially you. So just come over here and have your punishment like a Braves Mädchen(1) and then we can have some fun." Germany said, using your human name. Your (e/c) eyes widened at his words.
"B-but what about the other countries?" You questioned nervously.
"Don't vorry, I took care of them." He says, and you start to back away even faster as the realization hits you. As Germany realizes this, he removes his hands from behind his back, revealing a blood stained knife clutched in his hand, which is covered  in blood as well.
"Germany, please no-" you start but then start to run without another thought, fearing for your life.
"It's no use running, Frau." Germany called, quickly gaining on you...

*Back to present times.*

You glanced around and almost started to think you lost him, as you couldn't see the German in sight. Though that thought was quickly cut short, as you turned to look back ahead of you, only to see yourself getting pinned by the now seemingly insane German.
"I told you, Frau. It vas no use running." Germany spoke, now with an almost smirk on his face.
Tears started to spring to your eyes, not only were you scared. But at one point you could've even said you loved Germany, but now this.
"Shh, don't cry, liebe(2), jou vill be able to be vith me forever now." You heard Germany whisper, before there was a stinging pain, and everything faded to black.

(1) Braves Mädchen- good girl
(2) liebe- love

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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