The Obsidian Arrow: Chapter 12

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            “Help?” Searon asked.

            “With her, what happened?” The elf asked brushing his long blond hair behind his sharp ear.

            “No, I won’t leave her. We were-” Searon was interrupted by the sight of birds escaping from the palace in the sky.

            Without looking back to the male elf he was just speaking to; he dashed off towards the eternal tree in the center of the city. He felt as cold stares of elves shot in his directions, many of confusion, but he didn’t care. There wasn’t time to explain anything and he just needed to make sure everybody was okay.

            Eagerly he raised the lift to the top of the tree and stepped off inspecting the surroundings of the palace. It was quiet up there, too quiet. He tried to think of what reason the undead elf had for coming here. Suddenly he felt gloom as he realized the one thing she would come to the palace for.  Revenge for what the elves had done to her, for casting her out. He wished that Starlyn was there with him to help him talk some sense to her sister.

            Running around the corner of the golden doors he saw Vil’ek on the ground badly injured. He slid to the ground trying to help the elf veteran to his feet. Vil’ek coughed heavily and shook his head. Lifting his hand he pointed to the doors of the king’s chamber.  It cost him nearly all of his energy as his arm came crashing down and he fell to the ground closing his eyes.

            Searon turned around and looked at the sparkling golden doors and fished at the handles only to realize that they were barred shut. Frustrated he gently laid Anaela down next to the doors so she sat up against the wall. He checked her pulse making sure she was still alive and nodded his head when he realized that she was.

            Taking a few steps back he ran at the door trying to bust it through but he quickly bounced back. The door had moved a little but easily sprang back at him weakening his energy and his shoulder. He rubbed it gently trying to remove the pain it caused. Another few times of ramming the door proved unsuccessful and he decided to figure a new idea. Without knowing what it would do he removed his claymore from its scabbard and held it in front of him. Closing his eyes he gripped his claymore as tight as he could feel the power of the sword in his hands. Strangely the claymore seemed to glow and when he opened his eyes they looked fierce and ready for action. He slashed at the doors and they collapsed before him and he walked in atop of them.

            The king had been struck and fell to the ground as Arria held the king’s sword in her hand. She turned to Searon and winked before turning to find an escape. He didn’t let her get far as he was soon behind her grabbing her to the ground. Enraged she kicked him and freed herself getting to her feet again. Searon swung his sword to his right barely missing Arria’s head, yet managing to slice a strand of her hair that harmlessly floated to the ground.

            She pulled the king’s sword out and swung it at Searon who was able to quickly dodge by using a side-step before thrusting his claymore at her. She knocked it down and stepped closer to him holding his arm in place. Her lips were mere inches from his as she spoke.

            “Do not tempt me human, you are no match.”

            Searon didn’t understand it, but for some reason he had the urge to kiss her. The scent of her was dark, yet arousing fighting with his senses. He couldn’t deny the attraction the elf had even with his discolored hair and skin. There was something enticing about the image of having that white hair in his hands as he could pull it. The softness of her light onyx skin was evident and the lushness of her lavender lips was intoxicating. He knew she didn’t have a spell on him this time but yet he still felt strongly for her charm.

            “Do not temp me mistress, or you may like what you get.” Searon gritted twisting his arm out of her grasp and slicing at her arm which bled purple.

            She held onto her new sword tight as she covered the gash in her arm with her opposite hand. Her teeth gritted as she backed up looking at Searon in disbelief. Quickly she sheathed the sword and came at Searon with her fists. The spiked chain mail gloves proved fatal as a few punches had Searon on the ground dizzily shaking his head. She dashed out of sight and before Searon could figure where she went, she was already gone.

            He began walking back to the king when he noticed Anaela stirring from outside the room. She rose and began walking into the throne room before she suddenly stopped with a look of horror on her face at the king lying on the ground dying. She seemed frozen in place and didn’t even move in the slightest.

            Searon walked up to her, “Anaela, are you okay?”

            Her eyes didn’t look at him but kept staring down at the body of the king. She didn’t even seem to acknowledge that Searon was even there as she walked past him and knelt on the ground next to the king taking his hand in hers.

            “My king…” Anaela whispered.

            Elsargast’s breaths were slow but he was still alive. His closed eyes opened and looked to the crying face of Anaela.

            “My dear Anaela… I know you are not one of us, but you are family now. High elf or Wood elf, it does not matter. You my dear… promise me…” Elsargast’s voice faded.

            “Promise you what my lord?” Anaela asked.

            “Keep the elves together, do not let them fall. Keep the humans close… I was wrong about them…” Elsargast said in his dying breath.

            Anaela sobbed loudly as she closed his eyes with her palm and turned away still knelt on the ground crying gently. Searon walked up to her and knelt beside her mourning for her loss. He knew that the king was like family to her as she didn’t seem to have one being the only wood elf around. She looked up to him through her watery eyes and embraced him in a hug. Searon welcomed her warmth and gently patted her back.

The Obsidian ArrowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang