Chapter 27

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It's been a long time since I updated so I thought! What the hell I will update today so here it goes... Comment, Fan, Vote!


“Ok so how did you two meet?” my mother asked Dean and I. I sat on the couch next to him as my parents looked at me from the opposite couch.  Dean placed a hand on my knee reassuringly and he nodded.

“Well I met Dean on the bus ride to the school, I hated him. Well we hated each other.” I said.

“Actually I liked her, a lot. I just didn’t know how to show it.” Dean said staring at me as he spoke.

“Chad became my fake boyfriend to get rid of unwanted men, and when people found out that I was “dating him” Dean sort of beat him up, to a pulp.” I said.

“Hey it wasn’t that bad!” Chad said.

“Yes it was and you know it.” I said smirking. “I ignored Dean for a while, then I got into the whole modeling career. After the runway show in New York, when Rosie and I came back Dean wanted to talk to me. I was really tired but he didn’t seem to care.” I said smiling at him.

“I told her about how sorry I was. It was just that I couldn’t help the image of Chad and Kristen together in my head. I was jealous, and it drove me crazy because I’m really trying. I’ve never had a steady relationship. I will come out honestly that I was a player.” He said emphasizing was.

“Kristen is so special and I had to tell her how I felt about her before it was too late and she never spoke to me again.” Dean finished.

“I forgave him after that and we went on our first date.” I said smiling at the memory of us dancing in the rain. “Then here we are, you don’t need to know the fillers.” I said looking at my parents.

“What’s the reason for you not getting dressed?” my dad said sternly. I could see his walls breaking down but his fatherly tone didn’t disappear yet.

“I’m not going to dress up and put on a front. This is how I dress and I wasn’t going to hide from you sir.” Dean said.

My friends and my parents chatted away and I couldn’t help but get enveloped into my own thoughts. The image of us all chatting made me so happy. Dean was only two feet form my parents and the image of everyone talking away made this a moment. A moment I didn’t want to forget…I stared at Dean’s cropped dark hair, strong jaw-line, his almost straight nose, rugged features, his greenish-blue eyes, and the way his lips always formed into a perfect smile and I couldn’t but feel at this moment was I in love? Dean’s whole attitude changed as soon as we got together. He still makes his stupid remarks but really, he was sweet and charming and down to earth and just wouldn’t let people see it.

Dean turned to me and smirked when he caught me staring. My parents seemed like they were engrossed in a conversation and Dean came in to lean in my ear.

“Do you like what you see?” he whispered with a slight cocky tone.

“I do.” I said. He smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek before going back into the conversation. My cheek burned where his lips were once and all I wanted to do was drag everyone out of this place so we could be alone.

“So Chad how is your family?” I heard faintly bringing me out of my thoughts. I saw as Chad’s whole stature went rigid and I looked at my parents saying “bad move” with my eyes.

“So who wants to eat?” I said getting up, while trying to change the topic.

“It’s fine Kristen.” Chad said. I looked at him pleading that he didn’t have tot ell me parents but he shook his head. I slowly sat back down giving him enough time to change his mind but he didn’t as Dean wrapped an arm around my waist and brought my closer to his warm body.

“Where should I start?” Chad started more to himself then anyone else in the room.

“I’ve matured a lot over the pass year. I use to party, drink, and never really liked listening to my parent’s rules like any other teenager. Well one night I was really drunk from a party I went to. I was trying to walk home in my drunken state and I knew I would never make it home when I couldn’t even remember which hand was left from right.” Chad said before pausing. Rosie placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded, telling him to take as long as he wanted to.

“I called my parents and they were really mad that I was drunk. I sat by a tree waiting for them but I woke up in the morning realizing they weren’t here yet. I thought they were mad at me for being drunk so I started to walk back home. When I finally made it home cop cars surrounded the whole house.  My parents were killed trying to pick me up, drunk drivers hit their car and the drunk drivers were idiots from the same party I was at.”

The whole room fell silent. I already knew this story but no one else knew and they seemed to process the info and by the looks of it no one knew what to say.

Chad’s hands were in fists and his jaw line was clenched so hard that if you hit it, it would probably shatter like glass.

“I sent myself to this school to receive a better education and get away from where I lived. Basically everything reminded me of them. I have no other family so I moved out here.” Chad finished. 

“I’m so sorry.” My mother said in a whisper. “Me and my big mouth, I should have kept things to myself.” She said sheepishly.

“It’s fine. It feels nice to finally tell more people you know? Only Kristen really knew the story, so it’s a big change.” He said.

The rest of the night was filled with happiness and food. My parents made steaks and potatoes and it was so good. I craved my mothers cooking so much...

I smiled at the thought of my father’s last words before he left. “I approve.”

I pulled off the dress I was wearing as soon as I entered the room and pulled on one of Dean’s shirts. I loved the way that when I wore it, his smell floated around me.

“I think its fair to say that you look way better then me in my clothes.” Dean said.

I blushed as he wrapped his arms around me and I rested my chin on his bare chest as I looked up into his eyes.

“You're too sweet.”

“Don’t call me that, it takes a whole bunch of points off of my cool status.” He said.

“You are incredibly sexy.” I said smirking.

“Yup that’s more like it.” He said as he bent forward and our lips met. I couldn’t help but love the way his lips moved with mine like we were one. The sparks made my knees quiver and Dean was the one holding most of my weight by holding onto my waist. He licked, and then nipped my bottom lip for me to open and when I didn’t respond he groaned and that’s when I relaxed against him. His tongue slid into my mouth and slowly massaged mine and it caused me to moan into his mouth. His hands roamed down to my legs and he picked me up effortlessly as I wrapped my hands into his hair and held on tightly as he pushed me up into a wall. I felt his bottom half press into me at that moment and I couldn’t help but moan at the feel of him. He pulled back and stared at me with such intensity and I couldn’t help what I said next.

“Dean, I love you.” I said.

He placed a gentle kiss on my lips and then glared at me and I stared at him shocked.

“I planned to say that first.” He said smiling.


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