Chapter 13

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Thanks for the support you guys! I'm sorry but this is proabably the last upload for a week because I'm going on vacation...if I have internet access I will try to upload! So cross your fingers that I do! Hope you enjoy the chapter..Comment,Fan Vote.


“Thank you for today.” I replied as I got out of the car and onto the grounds of the school.

“No thank you for the show today,” he said smirking. “But you’re welcome.”

“I’m going to head to the gym now.” I told him.

“Ok I will bring all the bags back to the room for you.”

“Thanks,” I said as I grabbed the bag with my new gym clothes. I walked toward the gym and the place was really cool. I never walked into the gym before and the whole second floor was a running track and all the cardio machines while the first floor had the changing rooms and weight machines. There was only one changing room since there were only guys so I walked toward the bathrooms and changed into a workout bra and shorts. I tied my hair up into a high pony tail and stretched before I walked up to the second floor for cardio.

When I started to sweat I went to buy a water bottle from the stand. At the school you could get a job working at the stores to get extra money so the guy working was none other than Logan.

“Hey Logan can I have a water bottle?”

“Yah sure.” He passed me one and I gave him a dollar. “So what’s up?” he asked looking at my sweaty body.

“Well besides you checking me out,” I said laughing. “I just came back from the mall and Victoria Secrets wants to give me a job. A scout found me in the store and made me try on a whole bunch of underwear and took pictures of me in front of the whole store and he posted them on his website to see if the company wants me.”

“Wow that’s great, you definitely are going to get the job though cause look at you, you’re hot!”

“Stop I’m not that pretty as everyone thinks I am. I actually got picked on as a kid and I re-did my whole wardrobe.”

“You have to stop being so modest.”

“No you are just too girl deprived so your mind is playing tricks on you.” I said laughing.

“Nope, why else would you be picked to be a model?”

“Oh yah.” I said. “Well I’m going to head back to my dorm. I need a good shower.”

“Ok bye Kristen.” I grabbed my bag of clothes and walked back to the dorm sweaty. God I really needed a good shower and then after maybe some chocolate cake to make up for all of the calories I just lost.

When I walked to the door, I was about to pull out my key when I saw the door slightly open. There was a loud noise inside and I walked in quietly and followed the noise to the bedroom.

“I knew something was up with you two!” I heard following a grunt. “Why did you take her? Who do you think you are?” a familiar voice screamed. I walked into the bedroom to see Dean beating up Chad. Chad wasn’t even fighting back as he laid on the floor bleeding.

“Dean! What the hell are you doing?” I screamed.

“This-Idiot-took-you-from-every-single-guy-in-the-school.” He said while kicking Chad’s chest with every word.

“Get away from him!”

“I’m not finished with him.” He said as he punched him. Tears rolled down my face at how helpless Chad looked. Why wasn’t he fighting back? I walked between them and before he hit Chad again he stopped right before slamming his fist into my face.

“If you’re going to hit him, you have to hit me first.”

“That’s not fair Kristen, you know I can’t do that.” He said through clenched teeth.

“What did he ever do to you?”

“Took you from me.” He said. He was close up to my face still trying to get to Chad while I was in front of him.

“Chad and I aren’t even dating.”

“One of my friends said he saw you guys making out in the hallways.”

“We were but we aren’t dating. I don’t have a boyfriend. Chad was my fake boyfriend so guys like you can stay away from me. Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to get some clothes. I’m sleeping in Chad’s dorm tonight.”

Dean’s face held regret as I grabbed one of the shopping bags from Hollister and a Victoria Secrets bag with the pajamas. Chad’s arm wrapped around my shoulders as I held on to his waist and tried to help him to his dorm while holding bags at the same time.


So how do you feel about Dean now???

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