chapter 1.

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*Kaira's POV*

Enough is enough. I can't let these people control me. Not anymore. I have let them control my entire high school life. Look where it has brought me. I had to seek out a therapist for God's sake! Everybody says highschool either turns out to be the most awesome memories in a person's life or his or her worst nightmare. Well for me it was undoubtedly the latter. I knew I was not like those plastic barbie girls,knowing nothing but makeup,shopping and boys.For me books are everything. But don't think of me as a nerd cuz I'm more into novels,from Hemingway to Coelho to John Green,I am a fan of all of'em.FYI I'm also a DC and Marvel comic geek(unusual I know) and I too have my fangirl moment with One Direction and Vampire Diaries. But that didn't give them the right to make my life a living hell!

Throughout my entire highschool I had only one friend... Millie. Milania Kutcher, my best friend was my constant rock. It was for her that I got strength to survive through the darkest time. I seriously have no idea what I would have done without her. When my own parents didn't give a damn, Mills was there. She was like the sister I never had.

I seriously don't understand what I had done that made the entire universe conspire against me. Right from my freshman year my life has been nothing but a disaster. Being in college I don't have to listen to the taunts anymore but that doesn't mean that the wounds have been healed. The damage has already been done. And I don't think anything or anybody can ever heal me.

In case you all are wondering what so wrong can go with a 19 year old? Let me tell you I was not always like this. I used be this bubbly chirpy girl with lots of friends. But highschool changed it for me. My friends from middle school stopped talking to me. I guess nobody wanted to be friends with the girl who has been under the constant wrath of the seniors,except Mills of course. My whole world has been turned upside down.

God,even memories of those days are enough to give me a panic attack. I think there were countless days when I spent more time trembling and crying in the school washroom cubicles than me attending classes. And the best part,I didn't do anything to anybody that would result to this wrath the others had for me.

At first I thought it was just some stunts they are pulling to annoy the new freshmen. But it didn't stop anytime soon. Instead it grew more more and more unbearable as each day passed. Then I realized that it wasn't same for all the freshmen. It was only me who had to go through this hell. Others could enjoy their lunches peacefully chatting with their friends without having to worry about somebody coming and snatching it away,they could go to their lockers without having to find blood red paint splashed all over it. I have lost the number of times I have been called a loser or a bitch or a psycho. Highschool didn't let me find my true self. I have been defined by my parents' status through out. I had to be a victim because of their past.

I did put up a fight. I used to be a strong girl. But the more I protested the more they made my highschool difficult. I couldn't lodge a complaint,I was blackmailed that if I did, the same treatment will be meted out to my brother who is supposed to join Riverdale high the next year. And they promised to make it worse for him. As if that was even remotely possible. One day,towards the end of my freshman year after being physically hurt I couldn't take it anymore. I think that was my breaking point. I didn't go home that day but went to Mills' instead. I cried the entire night. Well,that was nothing new though. And Mills continued to tell me that everything's gonna be okay. Mrs. Kutcher came to check upon us at the night. She knew my situation,what I was going through. She cooed sweet nothings to my ear and remain seated beside the bed the entire night. Mrs Kutcher was like a mother figure to me when my own mom stopped being one after that incident.

From that day onwards I spent my nights at the Kutchers' more than in my own. Mrs K seemed to be totally fine with it. I couldn't stand my mother's distant behaviour anymore. There's only so much a human being can bear. It seemed that she just gave up upon life after that unfateful day.

All these thoughts were coming rushing back to me while I was packing.I am moving out finally from this hellhole supposed to be called home. And I'm grateful to God that I could convince Mom to send my brother Zac to a boarding school. Atleast he won't have to go through this same torture as I.

I am almost done with my packing... and no,my mom didn't come looking for me or to help me pack either. She just seems so done with her life. She probably doesn't even care that her daughter is going to leave this house for good. She comes from her office, we have dinner together but in utter silence or maybe once in a blue moon she strikes a word or two with me in the dinner table, but that's it. Then we go to our separate rooms and that's the end of my day and the barely there "mother-daughter" quality time.

Even tomorrow I'm going to the airport with Mills. Mrs K'll be driving us there.It's so strange to think that I'm finally starting a new life. A life controlled by me and just me, where nobody's opinion will really matter. This will be the life where my mind will be clear enough to think about my present and my future, where my past will reallhy be my past and won't be there to haunt me every single day. Changing into my PJs I move inside my duvet and let slumber take over me. And I honestly manage to sleep without any nightmares after what seems like ages...

*A/N *

Hi guys,this is my first attempt to write a book or a story for that matter.So please be a bit forgiving with the mistakes and all. *pulls out the puppy-eyes look* Hope you people find it interesting enough to continue the story.I have lots in store. Keep reading and be happy.

COMMENT and VOTE please :*
Yayyy 100+ reads for the first chapter and I'm happy af!! Thank u soooooo much... *feeling all the feels* 😍

Started on: 25/03/16

Love u loadz,

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