Erica Reyes.

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Never make the lady of the house cook. Never.
Also this story will feature my Oc Rebecca from my other story. If you want to know her story, please check it out.
Basically, she is like the female version of Jackson. She is his childhood friend and both are too stubborn to admit their love for eachother.
Also, she is portrayed by Emma Roberts.
"What the hell has happened here??" Asked Derek, entering his house.
Jackson was currently lying in the floor, while Isaac and Scott sat on the couch.
All three looked positively green and had buckets with them.
Nearly, all the furniture were destroyed.
"Why don't you ask Blondie" came Jackson's hoarse reply.
.......FLASHBACK .....
Erica had stayed up all night looking up recipes.
It all had started when Allison and Lydia commented that the guys liked good homemade food.
So she asked Rebecca for some cook books.
She would show them that she could cook.
She was in the kitchen arranging all the ingredients.
She was going to make cake.
'Everyone loves cake' she thought.
Her thoughts were interrupted, when Isaac walked into the kitchen.
"What are you doing" he asked  grabbing his mug from the cupboard.
It was a blue mug which read,
' #Scarfforlife'
"Cooking " explained Erica kneading the dough.
"Why?" He asked confused.
"Why not? Do you have a problem with me cooking"  replied Erica agitated.
"Nope" smirked Isaac, putting his hands up in surrender.
He poured his coffee and left.
Erica was not disturbed for the next hour.
'Is this Salt or Sugar?' She thought.
She was again intruppted by Jackson.Again
"You can cook?" He smirked, taking out his mug, which read 'I'm hotter than the sun'
"Of course , I can you dick head" hissed Erica.
Jackson glared at her and mumbled something.
Due to Erica's heightened sense, she picked it up as " Rebecca can cook better."
Normally, she would have been very angry if they weren't her OTP.
"#Rebecson or #Jabecca or #hamilmore  for life" she thought to herself.
This caused to her grin like a lunatic.
Seeing her, Jackson quickly grabbed  his mug and left.

Next, put the shells with the eggs in the batter, because Derek had ordered them not to waste food.
She was too busy to notice , that Stiles and Scott had now entered the kitchen.
"She's cooking" whispered Scott in Stiles' ear.
"Really??  What gave it away?" Replied Stiles.
Erica turned around and smirked.
"Why don't you two make yourselves useful? Scott grab the plates , Stiles call the boys." She ordered. Taking the 'cake' out of the oven.
The five boys had now taken their seat.
Erica quickly brought over the cake.
"Tadaa" she announced removing the lid.

"Tadaa" she announced removing the lid

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Stiles grabbed a fork and poked it.
Jackson was trying not to throw up, Isaac and Scott had blank face, while Boyd gave her a small smile.
"Dig  in" she said cheerfully.
Jackson was the first to speak.
"This looks like shit" he hissed.
Scott elbowed him and added" But it will taste great".
Stiles took a small bite, immediately he got up and rushed to the bathroom.
"I'll  go help him" smirked Isaac, before dashing after him.
"Fuck you all" cussed Erica, storming out.
Derek sighed and went over to the she-wolf's room, to find Boyd standing outisde. The three teenagers followed him.
"She won't come out of her room" explained Boyd, glaring at the three behind Derek.
Isaac and Scott looked guilty, while Jackson rolled his eyes.
Derek knocked on her door and called out," Erica come out"
"Go Away!!" Came the voice.
"I'm sure it was not that bad" he added.
Jackson smirked and added "Why don't you try it".
Before, Derek could reply the door opened.
"Yes, you should try it" announced Erica, dragging Derek.
Derek gave Jackson his most menacing glare.
They were in the kitchen, with Derek sitting at the table, while the others stood behind him.
Erica quickly came with a piece on a plate.
Derek sighed and took one bite.
"So.. How is it?" Erica asked Hopefully.
Derek chewed it with all his strength and finally swallowed it.
He was looking green.
He looked up at Erica and said," Its good for a first try."
Erica grinned and quickly huggd Derek.
"I am so posting this on Facebook" she smirked and left.
The teenage boys, quickly took their seat.
"Are you okay??" Asked Stiles.
"Yes, Stiles can't be any more happier" hissed Derek, glaring at the boys.
"Do you want a laxative" asked Boyd.
Derek shook his head and took out his phone.
"Rule number 37- Never let Erica cook" he said.
"Also, I'm ordering pizza" he announced dialling.
Cher's erupted. Stiles and Scott hugged while Boyd and Isaac highfived.
So how was the first chapter.
If you think that this is crazy, then you have no idea what I have in mind, for the next chapters.
Also feel free to comment any requests and suggestion.
In this story, anything is possible.

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