Aspen: Meet them in History class. Those are always the best.

Hayden: We met in Chem.

Aspen: I knew that.

Hayden: Just, be yourself. Don't change just to make a friend. If they were real friends, they wouldn't make you change :)

Aspen: That's so touching H. Didn't know you had a heart in there.

Hayden: You just ruined the moment.

Aspen: :) Oh, and if there's a big supernatural-y secret you're keeping, tell them. It's always better when they know.


What's the hardest part of being together in the supernatural world?

Liam: The hardest part? Worrying about you.
Aspen: Agreed. I'm always worried that something's going to happen.
Liam: I love you :)
Aspen: Love you too babe.


Liam: I've already picked out the cake.
Aspen: My mom said I can wear her wedding dress that she used for her second husband. It's probably hideously out of style though.
Liam: We can just elope.
Aspen: Nah I promised Lydia she could be a bridesmaid.

Why are you guys OTP?
Aspen: Because that's just how we roll.

(Lol I honestly don't know how to answer that ^^^ Forgive me)


What's the hardest part of being an alpha?

Scott: Keeping my pack safe. I care about them all so much, I wouldn't be able to stand losing any more of them.

When you died for like 10 minutes, did you see Allison in heaven?

Scott: I'd like to say I did, but I don't remember anything from the time I was dead. But I'd give anything to see her again, even if it meant dying temporarily again.


How are you coping with your new and more intense banshee side?

Lydia: I'll have to admit, it's freakishly awesome.

Why don't you date Stiles? He's been waiting since like 3rd grade and saved your life, and would gladly do it again!

Me: Same question I've been asking myself for 5 and a half seasons.


How are you doing with everything that's going on?

Stiles: I'm doing good, I guess. I feel like after saving Lydia and my dad's lives, (not trying to brag but..) I've redeemed myself in Scott's eyes, with the whole Donavan thing. I don't really think he blamed me for it though, not after he learned what really happened.

Scott: We're good bro.

Stiles: M'kay bro.

Scott: Bros?

Stiles: Bros.

Lydia loves you, did you know that?

Stiles: *whispers* My plan... It's working..

Please date Lydia.

Stiles: Not a question but sure.

Do you think your ten year plan for Lydia is working?

Stiles: I sure as heck hope so.



Stiles&Lydia: ???



Who do you trust most in the pack?

Malia: Aspen, Stiles, or Kira. I can't decide.

Are you bisexual?

Malia: I would be for Kira.


Do you lowkey like Kira?

Malia: ^^^^^^


What was school like for you as a kid?

Kira: Well, me being the awkward little kitsune I am.. It was hard. I didn't have many friends in New York. Moving to Beacon Hills and meeting the pack has been the best things that happened to me :)


What's the hardest part of being a writer?

Okay so two hard things about writing- Worrying what everyone will think about your writing, and actually writing, even when you have major writers block. I'm really insecure about some things I write so like I'm in constant debate of "should I post or should I not?" Even though, most times, you guys end up liking it anyway, because you're all just awesome like that :) On the other hand, I have a really hard time finding time to write, unless it's like at 10:00 PM. But I make it work :) :) :)


Would you read a one-shot book if I wrote it? It could be like, Stydia, Scallison, Malira, Asiam (Aspen and Liam idk), Haspen, like anything :) Would you guys read and request?

Everything Has Changed [LIAM DUNBAR] #2Where stories live. Discover now