This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 9

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She raised her eyebrow. “Don’t go around trying to be Saint Blake. It’s not like you’ve never done anything wrong or sinful.”

“I’m not saying I haven’t. At least I have the decency to own up to them. Unlike you. The thing about you is you never stop until you’ve gotten what you came for. And one day Tiffany, karma is going to come back and bite you in the ass so hard, you won’t be able to sit for a year.”                        

“Is that a threat Blake Collins?” she said with a questioning expression.

I turned around slowly. No Tiffany, it’s a promise.” I walked down the pathway, got into my car and drove away. That bitch deserved all the shit that would eventually come her way.



I shifted on the couch and the blanket fell off my body. Somebody must have covered me while I was asleep. I yawned and stretched out my arms over my head.

I heard someone talking and I turned my head in the direction of the voice.

“Skye, I know we don’t know each other very long, but you have to make it through this. Sam loves you very much. You’re all he has.”

I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes. Damn, I really needed to get some eye glasses. I was so blind; I could be a distant relative of a mole. I looked at the girl sitting on a chair beside the bed. I only noticed now that it was Sharon.

I cleared my throat causing her to turn around. She seemed surprise at first but then slightly smiled at me.

“Oh you’re awake? When I came in you were sleeping, so I just let you rest.”

I gave her a weak smile. “Thanks. No changes yet?”

She looked back at Skye. She shook her head and got up to come sit next to me. “The nurse came to check up on him a couple of times. She said he ought to wake up by tonight.”

“What time is it though?” I said noticing that my phone was dead.

“It’s just after midnight.” She said yawning.

My jaw dropped. I’ve been asleep for more than four hours. “What are you still doing here then? You should get some rest; you need to go to school tomorrow.”

“But I want to be here for you Sam.” She said pouting. Dammit, she looked so cute. But I had to let her go home. She couldn’t miss out on school because of my brother being in hospital.

“Go get some rest Sharon. I’ll call you if there are any changes.”

Her head fell and she reluctantly got up. “Okay then, I’ll call my mom to come pick me up.”

I nodded and turned to Skye. She was about to exit the door when I looked her way. “Wait, Sharon, Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem Sam, see you later?” I smiled at her and she left.

“Damn Skye, wake the fuck up. I’m so lost right now. I even forgot how to get a girl. I need you to be my wing man.”

I stood up and started pacing back and forth around the room. I finally understood why hospitals were so boring. I leaned my head back and noticed there was a TV mounted on the wall. Weird that I didn’t see it before. I searched around for the remote and found it on the table next to the bed.

I flipped through about twenty channels. Couldn’t the hospital afford to have better entertainment around here? This sucked monkey balls. I was sick and tired of this shit, so I went for a little stroll around the hospital. Maybe I’d find something interesting elsewhere.

This is Definitely Not Love...Right? [BoyxBoy]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt