Coming Face To Face. •20•

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Oh Jesus fuck. I'm marrying him? Never in a million years did I think I'd get married so soon. We just ended junior year, and here I am, getting married, to the love of my life.

"Here we go, man. You're getting married!" Liam exclaimed quietly, slightly slapping my arm.

I nodded and grinned, not taking my eyes off of Aden as he walked down. He looked so out of place and I couldn't help myself as I walked off the alter to meet him halfway.

He looked at me funny as I came towards him. "What are you doing?" He whispered.

"Walking you down, you looked out of place and I wanted to somewhat help."

He 'awwed' and hooked his arm through mine. I smiled down at him and started towards the alter.

I knew everybody was staring, but I didn't care. This is obviously not your average wedding, I mean, you have two guys marring each other. Why do anything normal anymore? If I want to walk my fiancé down the isle, then fuck it, I'm going to.

I knew Aden's mom was looking over us, and I knew Aden wished she could actually see us get married, and actually have her here, physically.

I spotted my mom and dad, along with Darcie, in the crowd and smiled to myself, probably looking like a creeper, but hey, it was my special day. "What are you smiling at?" Aden asked me, quietly.

"You and your adorableness." I told him, earning a blush from his face.

We reached the alter and I stood sideways, that way I was in front of him, but everybody could see us.

"We are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two families," the wedding, preacher guy, said.

"If there are any objections, please speak now, or forever hold your peace."

It was quiet for a few before he continued. "Do you, Aden Alexander Gerdaw, take Baylor Salem Morgen, to be your husband, in sickness and in health, in poverty and wealth, until death does you part?" He asked Aden.

I only stared at Aden as he stared at me and said, "I do."

He took the ring I held out to him, out of my hand and placed it on my finger.

The pastor, figured it out, turned to me and repeated the same thing he said to Aden.

I, of course, said, "I do."

I took the ring Aden held out to me, and placed it on his finger.

"You may now kiss the groom." And I wasted no time doing that. I pulled Aden closer to me and kissed him, blocking everybody but us, out.

He kissed back and pulled away before it could go further, smiling at me.

"We're married," he whispered and I took my turn to grin at him.

"Yes, we are. Aden Alexander Gerdaw Morgen," I said and kissed him once more.

"I like the sound of that," he told me as we pulled apart again. "I love you."

"Good. I love you." I grabbed his hand and walked down the isle, passing friends and family who congratulated us.

• • •

Aden's P.O.V.

I flopped down onto the bed, tired and sore. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was a little past 3 A.M.

I smiled, remembering how it felt to be officially, Aden Alexander Gerdaw Morgen.

I looked towards the bathroom as Baylor opened the door and stepped out, a towel wrapped around his waist.

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