Coming Face To Face. •5•

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"How was school?" Mom asked as I walked through the door.

I shrugged and made some sort of sound at her in response.

She looked at me confused. "Okay... Anything new happen?"

Oh, yea, ya know, just ran into a really hot guy, found out he's only going to break my heart, tried to avoid him only for him to ask me for a ride home.

"No. Nothing new. I'm going to head upstairs and do homework." I said and bolted upstairs.

No way was I continuing that conversation.

I flopped onto my bed and pulled out my homework.

Ha, too bad I don't know what I'm doing.

I sighed and texted Baylor, asking if I could come over. He replied right away and said that was fine, so I packed up my stuff and headed downstairs.

"Dinner's almo- where are you going?" Mom questioned me.

"Uh, over to Baylor's. I need his help with homework. I'll be back later."

She sighed, "Okay. Don't be late."

I nodded and left.

Deciding to walk, I pulled out my headphones and played my music.

Come on in, take a seat, tell me how you feel this week, are you cursed, are you blessed, are you still inside the mess?

I mumbled along with it as Baylor's house came into view. I saw him sitting on his steps watching the road.

"Hey," I greeted as I walked up to him. He nodded and motioned to go inside.

I followed him up to his room where he sat down and pulled out papers.

"What do you need help with?" He asked, taking my homework and looking at it.

"Algebra and bio. Problems 4-25 for algebra. 7-20 for bio," I told him as I pointed them out.

"What about this?" He questioned.

"What about what?" I tried to see what he was talking about.

"This English paper thing."

"Oh. I got that done."

He nodded and pointed to the first question, "You seriously don't know how to do this one? Come on, Aden. It's easy. Try it."

I sighed and took my papers back from him, trying to figure out the problem he pointed out.

"This is useless." I groaned and fell back.

He sighed. "Let's go do something. I'll finish this later."

I nodded and got up, following him down to the kitchen.

"Mom! We're going out for a bit! We need a break!"

We put our shoes on and walked outside, heading to the park.

"So," Baylor started. "Did you happen to see the new kid?"

I nodded, "Yea. There were two girls talking about him as I was at my locker. They left and I ran into him."

"Woah, wait. You ran into Conner Deger? Dude, you better watch yourself now. I heard he's ruthless."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, Bay. That really helps. I had to give him a ride home today too."

He shook his head. "You're in some trouble."

"Yea, yea. I better get home. Don't worry about my homework, I'll get it done in study hall. Just bring it with you tomorrow."

"Got it. See ya later," he said and walked back to his house as I headed towards mine.

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