Coming Face To Face. •18•

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A/N: I'm sorta skipping ahead some. They're still in highschool, it's just been a few months so it's now the beginning of summer break. It seems like I skipped a lot of time, but really, I just never did a chapter celebrating Christmas or Easter or such. Happy reading Loveies!

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I plopped down onto the bed when I got home. Oh, it felt amazing to relax.

"Bay," I said calmly. He hummed in response. "WE'RE FINALLY DONE WITH JUNIOR YEAR!" I yelled, jumping up and pouncing on him.

He gasped and groaned, lightly shoving me off of him. "Don't," he said between breaths, "Do that again."

I smiled sheepishly at him, "Sorry, I'm just SO EXCITED TO FINALLY BE ALMOST DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL! We should celebrate," I told him, the last sentence at a normal level.

"How? I mean, we're already living in your house, what else is there to celebrate with?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I mean, maybe we could have a movie night to kick off summer break."

Baylor was quiet for a while before he nodded. "Movie night sounds wonderful. But, we should have the others come too," he said.

"Perfect!" I grabbed my phone and began to call Sam to invite him and his sister.

"Baylor," I said, picking up his phone and tossing it to him. "Call Liam and Marise."

He picked up the phone as I waited for Sam to answer.


"SAM!" I yelled. I was excited.

"OW! YES?!" I could picture him wincing. Whoops.

"Movie night. You, me, your sister, Liam, and Marise. My house. BRING LOTS OF FOOD." I told him before hanging up.

I saw Baylor do the same before I glanced at him and groaned as I saw him on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe ba-"

"YES ADEN?" He interrupted me.

"We need to go to the store and get candy and food and movies."

He groaned but got up, snatching the keys off of the table on our way out the door.

"You're not driving," I told him, sticking out my hand for the keys.

He grumbled but obliged, tossing the keys to me and getting in the passenger side.

I drove us to the video place, leaving Baylor in the car when he didn't get out.

I strolled through the aisles, looking for movies that caught my interest.

I picked one up that I was familiar with, and the one next to it that seemed interesting.

All in all, I gathered about seven movies, most of them went together though. I made my way to the register, paying for all of them, and proceeded to make my way to my car.

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