Coming Face To Face. •8•

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Conner went home a little while later. Which is probably a good thing. I heard my phone buzz. Probably Baylor. I groaned and rolled over, grabbing my phone off of the nightstand.

Oh lookie, I was right.

Baylor: Hey, you wanna hang out tonight?

"Are you done being an ass to me?" I mumbled before typing a "Sure."

Baylor: Alright. Great. I'll be over in a few.

Uh oh. He never comes over. Something's up.

Aden: Okay.

I hopped off my bed and started to clean up my room a bit. There were clothes everywhere along with my homework I never finished.

I called down the steps, "Mom! Baylor is coming over!"

I waited for her to respond, but nothing came. Frowning, I headed downstairs only to see a note on the kitchen counter.

Aden, sorry I'm not home. I forgot about a trip work wanted to send me on. Sadly, it was this week, so you'll have to be responsible and know what you're doing. What I mean is, you have to get yourself food and get yourself to school on time. Please do this. You can have Baylor over, just make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time. If you want someone else over, call me.

Love, mom.

Alrighty then... Great...

I set it back down and turned to go back upstairs when somebody knocked on the door.

Baylor's here.

I turned back around and walked to the door, opening it for Baylor to come in.

"Oh. Uh, hi." I said, once I got a glance of who it was.

"Hi. Can I, uh, come in?" Conner asked.

I moved out of the way, "Uhm, sure."

He brushed by me, heading to the living room. I glanced out the door, looking to see if Baylor was in eyesight.

I don't se- Oh wait. Nevermind. There he is. Shit.

I shut the door and mentally planned this out.

Okay, so Conner is over here now. I can't have him go out the front door. But I can't have him go out the back. Baylor will be here in about 5 minutes and knowing Baylor, he's going to walk right in and most likely head up to my room. So I could have Conner in
mom's room long enough to speak to him and get him out. I could take him in there now and when Baylor shows I can say I was cleaning her room up and then quickly get Conner outside through the back. Perfect. This'll work.

"Hey Conner. Could we go talk in my mom's room?" I asked him and dragged him into the room without waiting for an answer.

"I guess since you just dragged me in here."

I pushed him down onto the bed, "Okay, so. Why are you here?"

He scratched the back of his neck. "Uhm, well, you see... I don't really know..."


"Really? You're going to lie to me? Tell me why you're here." I pushed and crossed my arms over my chest.

Coming Face to Face.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang