Coming Face To Face. •9•

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Baylor seems... Nervous... I'm not sure why, but it's like he thinks I'm going to randomly attack him and throw him in a tree.

Wait... That seems fun as hell. But I wouldn't do that to Bay.

Now, Trevor, on the other hand, I would like to punch in the face until he bleeds rainbows. That might take a while, so that's good for me.

"Aden?" Baylor questioned, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at him.

"You gotta stop zoning out on me. I just spoke like a whole paragraph and you heard absolutely none of it." Baylor pouted.

"I'm sorry Bay. What were you saying? Oh, and why did you come over?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

He sighed. "Mom and dad keep fighting... A lot. I don't know why, but it's been getting to me and Darcie. I really don't want to see my mom unhappy again... And... Nevermind." He looked away from me.

"Baylor?" I pushed. "What else?"

"N-nothing. There's nothing else..."

"Baylor, tell me." I said sternly.

"You don't want me to tell you..." He said. He still hasn't made eye contact with me. Whatever it is, it must be bad.

"Yes I do. Now spill it."

Sighing, "Fine!" He threw his hands up.

• • •

Baylor's P.O.V.

Oh my god... I need to tell him I went through his messages. I need to tell him. Now. Baylor do it. I don't wanna...

I took a breath before speaking. "Mom and dad keep fighting... A lot. I don't know why, but it's been getting to me and Darcie. I really don't want to see my mom unhappy again... And... Aden?" I questioned, pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked at me.

"You gotta stop zoning out on me. I just spoke like a whole paragraph and you heard absolutely none of it." I pouted.

"I'm sorry Bay. What were you saying? Oh, and why did you come over?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

I sighed. Now I have to repeat it. "Mom and dad keep fighting... A lot. I don't know why, but it's been getting to me and Darcie. I really don't want to see my mom unhappy again... And... Nevermind." I looked away from him.

"Baylor?" He pushed. "What else?"

"N-nothing. There's nothing else..."

"Baylor, tell me." He demanded.

"You don't want me to tell you..." I said. I still haven't made eye contact with him. It's that bad.

"Yes I do. Now spill it."

Sighing, "Fine!" I yelled and threw my hands up.

"I came over because mom and dad were fighting. And... I heard your phone buzz so I looked at it and there was an unknown number. So I checked it. Turns out to be Conner... I... Mayormaynothavetextedhimandtoldhimtofuckoff..." I rushed. And I may or may not like Conner and you...

"What? You may or may not have what?" Aden question.

I sighed, "I may or may not have... Texted him... And told him to... Fuck off... And I may or may not... Have caught... Feelingsforyouandhim..." I rushed out.

"You did what?! BAYLOR! SERIOUSLY?! Now I have to tell him it wasn't me. Oh god. He's gonna hate me..." Aden started pacing. I guess he didn't hear that last part...? Should I tell him?

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